Working from home

Nurses General Nursing


Mom told me about someone she knew who's wife was a nurse and worked from home. It has been my dream to be able to work from home! Unfortunately I don't know anyone personally that does this nor do I have a clue on where to start or what is needed to be able to get a job like this.

So if anyone has any advice or know of any places hiring I'd be very very appreciative.

Where would I look for work from home Jobs or any nursing jobs for that matter? I've been looking on the hospital's job list but if i don't want to work on the floor where and what type of jobs should I be looking for?

Specializes in nurseline,med surg, PD.
Where would I look for work from home Jobs or any nursing jobs for that matter? I've been looking on the hospital's job list but if i don't want to work on the floor where and what type of jobs should I be looking for?

job web sites

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