Workers Comp

Nurses General Nursing


I worked at Unity Hospital in Rochester , NY. I had a neck injury in Dec 2008 that required surgery, I was out for 5 months. I returned to work and re-injured my neck by lifting a patient. I have been working with this injury for 6 months. My doctor took me out of work 6 weeks ago and I need another surgery. Because I used my FMLA last year I will not be eligible until the end of this month. Guess what they did today? Yep, they fired me and my health insurance and benefits will be cancelled soon. I am not receiving any money and havent gotten any pay in 6 weeks. I have had to apply for food stamps and will not be able to afford COBRA to continue my health inusrance. Workers comp insurance company is taking their time, even though I have seen their doctors several times. They have not disputed it , but have not paid either. I cant believe this is happening! How can my nurse manager be so cruel and heartless? I understand business, but dont understand doing it at the expense of someone elses health and well being. Thank you for letting me vent, maybe someone has suggestions cause I dont knwo what to do. Everyone keep a nice stash of cash in case this happens to you.

they let me go after 6 weeks.

they let me go after 6 weeks.

One of the reasons that I was fired was "excessive absenteeism"...very subjective, especially after I had been told by my director "take off all the time that you need, if you are not feeling well". repeat after me "nursing is a caring profession"...:mad:

Specializes in ER/EHR Trainer.

That's a violation of federal law-fmla now gives you leave not only for yourself but for a family member with medical conditions for 12 weeks annually. No questions asked-of course you must fill out paperwork, but it should not be held against you!


That's a violation of federal law-fmla now gives you leave not only for yourself but for a family member with medical conditions for 12 weeks annually. No questions asked-of course you must fill out paperwork, but it should not be held against you!


My union rep kept trying to push the leave of absence route..truth is, I was fired almost 8 yrs ago, unfortunaty hired a lousy lawyer...and ended up waiting 10 years to "win" my wc case...

i had surgery last year and used my FMLA for the year(12 weeks a year). I would have been eligible about a week after they fired me and the 12 weeks FMLA protection would have started again, but they were smart and fired me right before I was eligible again.

Specializes in Army Medic.

Sounds to me like your employment situation was pushed to the higher ups and deemed an unsound investment with regards to keeping you employed.

It sucks, but it's business.

On the plus side, you can find many lawyers who will take this case and not request any sort of payment without a win.

Being disabled myself I can empathize with you, it can be very frustrating to struggle with new problems. Just keep your chin up and look forward. Your health is more important than a job, always keep that in mind if you feel any sort of regret.

Specializes in ER, PACU, Med-Surg, Hospice, LTC.

Work Comp claims can be an absolute nightmare.

I know a woman that has been fighting her case for over 5 years now! She has seen countless MDs, has had 3 depositions, has been followed/photographed/filmed by private investigators, etc....If she wins, her lawyer will be getting 15% of what she is awarded. Not bad, IMO. It use to be that WC lawyers could take up to almost half of the injured workers settlement.

I always recommend, take out your own disability insurance! Never rely on an employer or the State to be helpful/accountable during a time of injury.

Get well soon and I hope everything works out for you.

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