Published May 8, 2018
701 Posts
Would love to hear anyone's experience if you have worked here before. I am considering it for Summer 2019.
LikeTheDeadSea, MSN, RN
654 Posts
No, but I'm in PA and the State College area is pretty nifty for hiking.
710 Posts
I have not, but if you are interested in working in PA, my camp in Pike County is always looking for nurses. This will be my 6th year, highly recommend it! LMK if you need details.
1 Post
I have!
3 RNs work 24 hours.
Rotate one day off each.
Well stocked OTC med closet.
Areas for overnight campers for observation.
Nurses sleep in very basic attic quarters (unless opposite genders).
Beautiful campus.
Individual med drawers for distribution of campers meds.
Supportive team of athletic trainers.
Basic emergency equipment.
Great staff.
0 Posts
I have!3 RNs work 24 hours.Rotate one day off each.Well stocked OTC med closet.Areas for overnight campers for observation.Nurses sleep in very basic attic quarters (unless opposite genders).Beautiful campus.Individual med drawers for distribution of campers meds.Supportive team of athletic trainers.Basic emergency equipment.Great staff.
Do you know if they allow children of staff to attend for free or reduced tuition? And how does the pay compare to other camps (if you have worked other places)? Thanks for the info you have already provided. Looks like a beautiful camp!
Never mind, I found the info :)