Wish me luck!! (long)

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


Specializes in Medical Telemetry, LTC,AlF, Skilled care.

Hi all! Well, the countdown until graduation has finally begun, 8 more teeny tiny weeks!! My application to NCLEX has been sent off and my instructor is encouraging us to start applying for jobs. Well, since August I've been working on the medical unit at a local hospital as a CNA and have loved every minute of it and have recieved positive feedback from my co-workers on my job performance. I want to work here as LPN once I graduate and one of our LPN's has accepted a position on a different unit leaving her spot to be filled. My NM told me a couple months ago that if a position became open that she would try to hold it for me. Tomorrow after class I'm going to ask her if she is planning on allowing me to stay once I finish school as an LPN or what so that I'll know whether or not to start applying to other facilities. I'm very nervous, I really want to work here it's a great hospital and I have great co-workers. So, I hope you all will wish me luck with tomorrow, because I will greatly need it!!

Specializes in Cardio.

Good luck .:Melody:

tons of luck!!!

Yay!!!! :D Congrats to you !!!! :D

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Good luck, and cheers! :cheers:

Specializes in Medical Telemetry, LTC,AlF, Skilled care.

Thanks everyone for the good vibes! Sorry for not posting yesturday how it went, my internet service was acting weird. Anyway the meeting with my NM went wonderful!! She said that she was actually getting ready to call me when I came to her office about the position and has said that I don't have to worry that she's holding the position for me once I graduate. It is SUCH a relief to know that not only will I have a job when I graduate but that I'll also be working in the same hospital and unit that I have been for the past 7 months! Thanks again! :) :) :) :) :)

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