Will telemetry cert matter anywhere else?


Specializes in med surg ltc psych.

Hello to all, I am a newbie grad and just hired into a hospital facility. Part of my early orientation requires the telemetry certification classes they say you must have. Although the unit/floor I will be on is not a cardiac floor but rather an orth/neuro and I was told most pt's are on tele and best that we have the cert. That's great I think but wonder now if this cert is only specific to this hospital and will mean nothing to other facilities or if I move out of state it isn't credible. At best I suppose all I can do is include it on future resumes that I had the training and cert at such and such facility?

Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, Emergency, SAFE.

Im not sure what cert you mean. It may be a hosp specific thing. I personally had to take a dysrhythmias class, but it only counts for my orientation plan and PSNA hours. It will look good that you can read a monitor though and hopefully you'll also get an ACLS class and THAT will mean a bit more than nothing.

Hope i helped slighty. :D

Specializes in med surg ltc psych.

Yes thanks, that's helpful information. I was told it would be "telemetry certification" but I agree with you that it most likely would be hospital specific for my orientation only. They do plan on ACLS certifying eventually when those classes are available, and your're right about ACLS meaning more than the telemetry. Just wondered if I can mention the telemetry on a future resume also. Can't hurt to mention any additional skills given to me through a hospital combined with the nursing position itself. :loveya:

If you mean PCCN (which is the only tele cert I'm aware of), in difficulty I've heard it's just short of CCRN (the CCRN without Qs about vents) and has been described to me by several coworkers as "the hardest test I've ever taken." I plan to take it just 'cause the studying will be good for me.

Specializes in Step Down/ Rehab, Psych & Correctional.

I am a fairly new grad. myself (within the last few years)...

You know...when you fill out an application and resume...there is a section for "any certifications" etc. ...anything extra...good and related can't be a bad thing esp. for those of us who are less experienced...

I say... your course will be a good thing and...

make sure that you get a "piece of paper" to put in your records, as well...

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