Will the shortage affect admissions???

Nurses Announcements Archive


Hi everyone.... I know this is a weird question, but I was discussing this with a few friends and none of us are sure if our conclusions are correct:

We all know that there is a shortage of nurses, and as far as I've heard, there certainly aren't as many students applying to nursing schools as there used to be. Will this shortage mean an easier time getting accepted into programs? Almost every schools website states that meeting the minimal requirements doesn't guarantee addmission because most applicants' credentials are well above the minimums... but if there really is a shortage, just how competitive do you really have to be to get accepted?

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

It's extremely competive here in NC. At the CC, there is a point system for pre-reqs, GPA, interview, residency, and HOAE Test. There WERE 36 slots and over 200 applicants. We're not sure we'll have a nursing class in the fall. (see other post)

I, too, am a nontraditional student. I've elected to do the LPN thing if they decide not to seat a class in the fall because I HAVE TO get a paycheck within a year. My ultimate plan is to get a BSN then an MSN, then go back and teach. It's a long range goal which will take me A LONG time but, it's a goal and I'm not stopping 'til I get it!

It's extremely competive here in NC. At the CC, there is a point system for pre-reqs, GPA, interview, residency, and HOAE Test. There WERE 36 slots and over 200 applicants. We're not sure we'll have a nursing class in the fall. (see other post)

I, too, am a nontraditional student. I've elected to do the LPN thing if they decide not to seat a class in the fall because I HAVE TO get a paycheck within a year. My ultimate plan is to get a BSN then an MSN, then go back and teach. It's a long range goal which will take me A LONG time but, it's a goal and I'm not stopping 'til I get it!

Specializes in Cardiology.

Whitney, that's how it is here in FL too.


Specializes in Cardiology.

Whitney, that's how it is here in FL too.


Here in AR. We have one diploma nursing program that accepted 320 students this fall. They had around 400 applications. Almost everyone who applied who had took A&P1 and Col. Alg. got in. The adn proram I attend go by quality points and accepted around 120 applicants. The avg. gpa was probably around 3.0 although they say min. gpa is 2.5. The program I attend also have a 99.9% nclex pass rate. I must say this is not the school I wanted to go to b/c I heard how tough it was but my local school was even more picky avg. gpa for admitted students was about 3.4 even though they also have a min. gpa of 2.5. I do unerstand how tough it is and it makes you wonder why isn't more done to admit or train more instructors. I also don't wants the market flooded with nurses when I graduate therefore not being able to find a job. Just my 2 cents.

Here in AR. We have one diploma nursing program that accepted 320 students this fall. They had around 400 applications. Almost everyone who applied who had took A&P1 and Col. Alg. got in. The adn proram I attend go by quality points and accepted around 120 applicants. The avg. gpa was probably around 3.0 although they say min. gpa is 2.5. The program I attend also have a 99.9% nclex pass rate. I must say this is not the school I wanted to go to b/c I heard how tough it was but my local school was even more picky avg. gpa for admitted students was about 3.4 even though they also have a min. gpa of 2.5. I do unerstand how tough it is and it makes you wonder why isn't more done to admit or train more instructors. I also don't wants the market flooded with nurses when I graduate therefore not being able to find a job. Just my 2 cents.

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