Why do minorities have more respect for nurses?

Nurses Relations


I have been a nurse for over 20 years. I currently work in Miami. The hospital is in an area where we get a lot of Cuban and Haitian patients. I have been at this hospital for 6 years. The patients and families we get are so very respectful of nurses. I know this is a sensitive subject but I'm just stating my experience. I am white myself and receive far less respect from white pts and families like I do minorities. Before working in this area of Miami, I worked in white areas of south Florida like Orlando,Del Rey, Boca Raton and West Palm beach. It was a nightmare working there as the pts and families(mostly white)had Zero respect for the nurses. I took more verbal abuse working in white areas of Florida than when i was in the Army! Why are minorities more respectful of nurses than white people? Overall from my experience white people simply don't respect nurses like minorities!

Specializes in ER, Tele, Cardiac Cath Lab.
Perhaps it's regional?

I think you're right

Specializes in Critical Care (ICU/CVICU).
The attitudes of African Americans towards Caucasians are completely different from that of West Indians, Africans and other people of color not born in America. The latter tend to (not always) have a better view of Caucasians. I'm sorry you had to experience this..there's no excuse for that type of behavior. NONE. ������������

And why do you think AAs might have a negative view of Caucasians? I think the history and current climate of the nation in regards to racial inequality *just* might play a role.

I think it's a combination of racial inequality both real and perceived and also lack of exposure---on both sides. You'd be surprised at how many AAs and Caucasians rarely interact with each other...in this day and age it still happens..

Specializes in Critical Care (ICU/CVICU).

i can agree with that. But i can't say it's truly 50/50 when it comes to the interactions between whites and minorities.. Usually it's whites who tend to "separate" themselves from the "others" than the other way around. One group chooses not to interact by choice, while other don't interact by force (figuratively and literally).

But yeah, anyway, let me get off my soapbox! hahaha

Specializes in Critical Care (ICU/CVICU).

BTW, i'm speaking in generalities.... we don't know every white person or minority in America. But i'm speaking in usual trends

Well, it may be harder than the NCLEX. Anyone here taken NCLEX and the LSAT? I wonder what their take on it would be.

As proud as I am of being a nurse, I'm not dreaming that passing the NCLEX would be as hard as passing the BAR exam.

well, I am a nurse with years of experience and took licensing exams in 2 different countries. I am also a law student and completed 1st year Law. Nursing is FAR HARDER to study than Law!! Probably because it is science based.Also the NCLEX is a BEAST of an exam. I think the BAR might be easier than the NCLEX!!

My coworkers from Africa tell me that a nurse is about as low as one can get, and they the only people that go to nursing school are the ones that couldn't "cut it" at university. I was, and am still, shocked at that statement. But, they still catch A LOT of flack for being a nurse from their people back at home.

Not sure which COUNTRY in Africa your co-workers are from, but I was raised in South Africa and nurses are NOT as low as one can go!!! We have 4 years of school for

Bachelors Degrees in Nursing that teaches actual nursing stuff! To be a RN in South Africa is 4 years of full time and NOT LESS of study - either through UNIVERSITY or College Hospital based. To be an Enrolled Nurse(LPN) it is2 years of FULL TIME study with 2000 clinical hours. A Nursing Assistant has to go to school for 1 full year.

Specializes in Critical Care (ICU/CVICU).

Nursing isnt considered low in nigeria either. It's a bachelor's degree too. Please dont paint an entire continent as one huge country

well, I am a nurse with years of experience and took licensing exams in 2 different countries. I am also a law student and completed 1st year Law. Nursing is FAR HARDER to study than Law!! Probably because it is science based.Also the NCLEX is a BEAST of an exam. I think the BAR might be easier than the NCLEX!!

Interesting. Of course, you haven't taken the Bar exam yet, correct? I will be interested in hearing how it goes.

That sounds about right Nurse Medicine Woman!

I agree. Africa is a continent made up of many different countries, cultures and languages....that being said, from what I've seen, more often than not, nurses are indeed held in very high regard...

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