Published Apr 24, 2014
1 Post
I was wondering why there are so many different options for drug screens. I always get option one or two but was recently selected for option ten. Anyone know why that would happen?
299 Posts
Its "random"- I usually get tested for the most expensive panel- 1 out of 20 times I will be tested for the least expensive panel. I have never been tested in the intermediate range (2 years).
52 Posts
Sometimes (but not all the time) it can also depend on your drug of choice. My DOC is detected on the most basic options and 95 percent of the time I get option 1. I have a friend who is a veterinarian and she entered the program for using a drug commonly used on animals and so it takes a more extensive panel to screen for it - she almost always gets selected for the most expensive option.
195 Posts
I spent countless hours online trying to figure out what they were testing for, Never really found out anything other than my "donations" had to be so clean they sparkled everytime! Guess it did help me burn off a few hours tho. Just a sugjestion play some music, write a poem, do something that makes your heart smile for awhile. Peace
2 Posts
It is my understanding that the drug screens are random. I usually get option 1 but on one occassion got option 7. The individual at Firstlab stated that they are not privey to exactly what is on which pannel.