Who is starting their new career on 7/10 or sometime during the next week?


So far I know that there are three of us starting our new careers as RNs on 7/10. Anyone else?

6 Days to go!!! Are you excited? Scared? Nervous? Is there anything that you afraid or nervous about doing?

I am so excited to be starting...so excited, that I feel as if I am almost wishing away these last few days. Which is really dumb...as it will probably be a long time before I get vacation time.

Is there anything in particular that you are worried about? big or small?

My biggest fear is that I'll be in the middle of some critical situation...and I'll take the time to do something - the way I learned to do in school...but not the way it is done in the "real" world and someone will scream at me for not moving quick enough. I was an EMT, and there were all kinds of ways to do things the "textbook" way vs. the "real" way...took awhile to get used to that. I'm sure it's going to be that way all over again...on a much grander scale. oh well...we're all newbies at some point.

me me me! 7/10 here as well. ER in a local hospital, they are in the process of building a 90,000 sq ft addition on for ER and CCU. Will provide service for 60,000 more patients a year. anyways, I am "D" all the above when it comes to what I feel.

I am anxious to start the orientation that everyone dreads! I have been out of school for almost 12 years and I need the skills practiced again so the mundane will be great for me!

I know I can handle myself and I have somewhat thick skin so the other nurses dont bother me but the fact that I want to be able to retain all the info in such a short period of time.

I go in friday for my physical and to order uniforms! Then it is bright and early 7:30-4:30 for me, that is after I take the kids to the inlaws and drive 40 minutes there.....LOL I must be crazy! LOL I can't wait I am excited!!!!!


i went to an interview today 7/7 and got the job on the spot. i too start 7/10 but the thing is i have an interview with another hospital?? i dont know what to do...i ddint techincally accept the job offer at the job that starts on 7/10. they just said im hired..didnt really have time to swolllow everything. anyway..with the my interview on monday..its just an interview..im not guranteed the job..so i dont know what to do??

also with the job that starts 7/10-i got offered a psych position (child/adolescent unit)..which im fine with

my interview on monday is a position for a medical flooor...


It is Sat AM...two days to go for those of us starting on Monday. I too, had my physical this past week and passed in all of my documentation. I had to sign my name a million different times...forgot to add RN afterwards...oops, I need to work on that. I am so excited...can't wait to share all of our stories. Good luck, to all of us...AMY D, and Leesiebug???(sorry, I hope I didn't butcher your name.)

Anxiety722, I hope you are having luck making your decision. That's a tough one...can you postpone your start date to interview for this other position??? It's such a big decision.

Amy D speaking of childcare...mine is all set up, too...for now. However, my 8 year old has a temp of 101, and a headache that kept her (and I, of course)up aaaaaallll night...now I need to come up with a plan B in case she is still sick on Monday, and pray too, that my other two don't get sick. OH, the drama...the low points in regards to the childcare situation always seem to strike on the days MOST inconvenient. For instance, on my last day of school, I had to take my last final...my town completely flooded...huge rainstorm...my older two who are in school, didn't have school due to this flood...my 4 year old who goes to a family daycare, couldn't go to daycare because the babysitter had a death in her family...relatively speaking I was sooooo lucky compared to so many here...so, believe me when I say I counted my blessings over those horrible days...in some ways it just seemed comical that I made it through aaaallll the struggles of school and to get down to the very last day and have this huge daycare dilemma...and now the first day of work has finally arrived, my children who have not been sick for months...could now, potentially end up sick...oh well, if I have sick children on the first days of work I won't be going in; they come first...but, it just seems unusual that these situations seem to occur when it is least convenient...LOL!!! Do you agree? How old are your children?

i went to an interview today 7/7 and got the job on the spot. i too start 7/10 but the thing is i have an interview with another hospital?? i dont know what to do...i ddint techincally accept the job offer at the job that starts on 7/10. they just said im hired..didnt really have time to swolllow everything. anyway..with the my interview on monday..its just an interview..im not guranteed the job..so i dont know what to do??

also with the job that starts 7/10-i got offered a psych position (child/adolescent unit)..which im fine with

my interview on monday is a position for a medical flooor...


..Beware of "on the spot" hires... see if you can call them to postpone your start date. Then work on the other one. If you go for the interview and see how it works out, you can then sit down and make good choice. On the other hand, if psych appeals to you and you think you'll like it there, then you probably don't need to worry about the interview (which you are not even sure of the outcome). Goodluck!

Specializes in OB, lactation.

I'm starting tomorrow 7/10 also!!

This whole week will be orientation as well as an IV class the following Thursday.

The 18th is my first day on the floor (except I did my preceptorship there so I'm already a little bit familiar).

Sort of on the child care front, I've got a sitter lined up (which I'm very happy about, it's a para from my kids school that already knows my two older boys... so hope it works out well). Child care is a big difficult thing for us because dh also works rotating 12 hour shifts (days and nights) and we have no family around to help. When school starts back I'm a little afraid of what will happen if they call for us to pick one of the kids up for some reason (sick or for my one boy who has behavior issues), because neither my husband nor I can really leave work unless it's an emergency (him even less so than me).

There are lots of things I'm afraid of but I'm also excited and trying to enjoy the excitement b/c I know the honeymoon will probably be over soon!!! LOL

Hi Mitchsmom

Good luck tomorrow! What kind of floor are you starting on? I just read your profile and it would seem that you are headed for L&D. I just left my position in Maternity...sad, but I will return, at some point. I will be starting on a floor with multisystem failure patients. I chose this, to start with primarily for the experience - vented pts, monitor beds, and ACLS training. Other reasons include the proximity to my home - a 4 minute ride during rush hour, their flexibility in scheduling - a must after the past 3 years of school. Childcare is always an issue - at the moment it is set up but, my 8 year old went to the pedi today; she has Coxsackie virus. Not too worrisome, yet quite contagious and I have two others that could end up with it. My 8yo was pretty miserable for two days - fever, headache, and sore throat...definately not daycare candidates in that condition. So, we'll see how the week goes. I have the same thing this week, that you do - orientation M-F. Next week I start my 3 12 hour shifts Mon, Tues, and Sat. I know the honeymoon period won't last forever, but I'm still so excited, too.

just got back from first day or orientation! oh my gosh I can't imagine 9 more days of this. so much to process. was an hour on just how to use the phone systems....LOL well off to bath, kiss hubby and sleep!!! hope you all had a great day!

Good night to all who started work today!!! I am so tired from watching videos and signing paperwork all day. I'm never ready for bed by 10p so tonight is a first. Tomorrow is 4 hours of computer training...but the hospital is hosting an employee cookout...yeah!!! Hope everyone is happy with their decisions so far...I know I am. Overall the day went very well...daycare worked out...kids all healthy (for today...knock on wood!!!)...came home for lunch with them...I have a three minute commute and that's if the light at the one intersection I go through is red...LOL!!! Looking forward to hearing about everyone else's experiences.

Specializes in OB, lactation.

Glad you guys had good days! (besides alot to process)

Mine was mostly 'caring & sharing'... the mission statement, etc. Really going into things that I thought were common decency &/or tenents of nursing in the first place - caring, privacy, respect, customer service (lots of customer service)... our first day or two are for all new employees, not just nurses so...

We may start computer stuff tomorrow, not sure.

PS... Lisky, yep I'm going to OB (we're an LDRP unit so it's L&D and postpartum both). What area are you going into (sorry if I missed it)??

Hi Mitchsmom

I am going to be working with multisystem failure pts...lots of vent work. Great learning experience, I think. I am contracted to stay for a year (sign on bonus.) After that I hope to go back to Maternity. I just left my CNA position in that field...very sad, but it wasn't meant to be for now. I am really happy in this new position and a year seems to fly by so fast these days. Have you been in this field for awhile? (Now, I feel as if I missed something...it's pretty early here, the coffee may not have kicked in yet...LOL) It's such a great field. Do you cross train in all areas? Is the unit divided b/t L&D and postpartum or is everything in one place? You must be thrilled to be starting this.

We do computers today...and then what else, I'm not sure. I get my ID badge...better make sure it's a good hair day!!! Tomorrow I think we start the specific RN training, right now we're all in a bunch, too - nursing, respiratory, etc. Well, off to the shower, for day #2. Enjoy!!!

Specializes in OB, lactation.
Hi Mitchsmom

I am going to be working with multisystem failure pts...lots of vent work. Great learning experience, I think. I am contracted to stay for a year (sign on bonus.) After that I hope to go back to Maternity. I just left my CNA position in that field...very sad, but it wasn't meant to be for now. I am really happy in this new position and a year seems to fly by so fast these days. Have you been in this field for awhile? (Now, I feel as if I missed something...it's pretty early here, the coffee may not have kicked in yet...LOL) It's such a great field. Do you cross train in all areas? Is the unit divided b/t L&D and postpartum or is everything in one place? You must be thrilled to be starting this.

We do computers today...and then what else, I'm not sure. I get my ID badge...better make sure it's a good hair day!!! Tomorrow I think we start the specific RN training, right now we're all in a bunch, too - nursing, respiratory, etc. Well, off to the shower, for day #2. Enjoy!!!

It sounds like you will get a lot of good, complex experience in your position :)

I am new to nursing so I haven't been in the field at all (I am an IBCLC (lactation consultant) and took a childbirth educator course which is related but that's it). Our unit is LDRP, so we do L&D and postpartum. However, we are more well staffed for pp (we can use LPN's there) than L&D so most of the time I will have a labor pt unless it's a slow day. I like both areas, so I'm happy to be in an LDRP unit learning both. We use the general OR for c/s's so I will just go down as a baby nurse and we don't circulate (which I kind of would have liked to pick up that skill also but it's not like I don't have plenty on my plate as it is!).

I am very excited, this is what I went to school for, and I hope it goes well. :)

We did mostly computers today and I think we are doing it the next two days as well (it's a whole new system that the hospital just implemented recently)... but it is so boring I hope they break it up with some other stuff, plus I really don't think it's all that hard to figure out.

Hope everyone's week is going well!

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