Published Sep 21, 2016
cmwb BSN, RN
1 Post
Hello Everyone,
I am an AGNP student. I have two more clinical rotations to complete in order to receive my degree! I reside in Charleston, SC and I am looking for a WHNP or FNP that would be willing to precept me for my Women's Health Rotation in December-February. Unfortunately, the preceptor that I initially had for this rotation will not be able to precept me. I have exhausted all the resources that I have in trying to secure a site at such late notice. I have contacted AHEC, I have sent out emails, sent out my resumes, and contacted several sites throughout the low country area. I am willing to travel up to two hours to a site. Does anyone know of any other resources available or a practice that I could contact that may have a WHNP or FNP that would be willing to precept me?
2 Articles; 5,582 Posts
Ask your program for help.
Join your state NP association as a student member and see if they have any available preceptors.
Good luck!
Palliative Care, DNP
781 Posts
Also, try public health departments. I completed my women's health hours with an amazing WHNP through the health department.
Buyer beware, BSN
1,139 Posts
The preceptor situation should not be left to being a matter of luck or at the whim of the few teachers in the community who are willing to teach any school's students for free.
It is unseemly for ANY program who is willing to accept outrageous tuition fees not to have a system setup to provide these preceptors to the students.
The only solution for the potentially aggrieved student is to attend schools that that have contractual relations with preceptors to ensure they are available when needed.
Loss of students and therefore tuition should act as a catalyst to change the unreasonable expectations many NP programs have in trying to pawn-off this valuable service on busy medical practices.
Why this situation is allowed to continue to go on like this can only be attributed to a predatory profit motive coupled with the naive notion on the part of the student that the schools in this matter would never engage in deception.
There are too many student threads on allnurses that attest to the derailment or potential derailment of their NP education over this issue despite being conscientious students.
The silence on this issue from the so-called Nursing leadership points toward attitudes ranging from apathy to collusion.
Needless to say this silence remains deafening.