Published Oct 10, 2015
1 Post
New grad, just now on day 5 of being on my own after a month of hospital orientation. I am experiencing extreme anxiety from thinking about all the overwhelming responsibilities and trying to deal with sensory overload. I feel like I am a terrible nurse and not meeting all my patients needs. I constantly worry about patients wellbeing because I am forgetful and have trouble focusing on one task at a time. My grad RN friends do not seem to be struggling as badly, this worries me. I am a calm quiet person and questioning whether the hospital enviroment is too much for someone like me. I have been told getting a year worth of clinical experience is essential to being successful in a more independent enviroment like homecare. I do not want to give up so quickly, but am struggling trying to decide if this is where I belong.
Any advice or anyone else have similar feelings?
RN403, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,068 Posts
You are 5 days out on your own, it is normal to feel this way. It takes about 6 months to a year to start feeling comfortable. I myself did not feel totally comfortable on my floor until I hit the one year mark. There is a lot to learn, you realize how much responsibility you have, and you are constantly in the midst of multiple is overwhelming!
They key is to find great resources to help you through this next year. You are off orientation, however, do you have a mentor? If you were not assigned a mentor you should find a nurse that you trust and get along with and use them as your "go to" person. Just because you are off orientation does not mean you cannot ask questions. Ask away! The new nurses that scare me are the ones that never ask questions.
Do not worry about those around you...some people are better at hiding their feelings than others. I have always been told that I always seem calm no matter what is happening. Little do they know I am at times freaking on the inside . Just because something is not showing outwardly does not mean it is not there. Everyone struggles a little at first.
Talk with your manager, your supervisor, and find yourself a mentor while you are still getting used to being a nurse. You will find yourself getting more and more comfortable with each passing day. Before you know it you will perform your duties and critically think without much effort. It will come!
Best wishes!! We've all been there.
4,547 Posts
I agree with all RN403 says.
Also, having an only 1-month orientation period is terribly unfair to you. A new hire, especially newly licensed, need afar more orientation than that. OF COURSE you are overwhelmed. I would ask if you can get longer. Any other decent hospital would give you far longer longer than that. Your hospital is taking on a giant risk throwing you in the mix like that.
Regardless of what happens next, please get your own malpractice insurance. There is, of course, no reason to believe with certainty that you'll necessarily *need* it, but if they're tossing you to the wolves by not giving you an adequate orientation, they won't think twice about tossing you to the wolves if something goes wrong as a result of it.
Know that your anxiety is very much normal, and even if you'd been given an orientation that was too LONG, you'd still feel this way for a good while. It wasn't until about 6 months off orientation (so 9 months after hire) that I really calmed down. Hang in there!
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,549 Posts
If they aren't worried then they are messed up. Anxiety (for a short time) is your and your patients savior. It will keep you extra alert. Part of the process of becoming a truly good nurse.