Published Sep 11, 2005
133 Posts
I am considering attending Jacksonville University to complete a fast track BSN program as I have a BSBA. I know that a schools repuation is important when applying to a CRNA program. Does Jacksonville University have a good repuation for the BSN program or should I consider another fast track program if my ultimate goal is to become a CRNA?
apaisRN, RN, CRNA
692 Posts
Actually, a school's reputation is minimally important. Many CRNAs and SRNAs got an ADN at their local community college and finished their BSN at whatever school was available. Your undergrad institution doesn't tell the admissions people what kind of CRNA you might be. Your nursing experience, recommendations, certifications can.
Country PICU
49 Posts
What is an SRNA, I know what a CRNA is?
801 Posts
Archie: SRNA - Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist
DrugreptoCRNA - ApaisRN is correct. Generally, the school you attend as an undergrad won't have much impact on which school you get into for CRNA. Undergraduate grades, score on the GRE, ICU experience, etc have weight. So long as you don't get your undergrad at Bob's Internet School of Nursing, Manicure, and Long Haul Trucking, you should be just fine.
Kevin McHugh, CRNA
124 Posts
Earning your BSN via an accelerated or fast-track progam can enhance your application when it is time to apply to CRNA school, as it demonstrates your ability to handle a heavy course load in a fast paced enviroment. I have always received very positive comments about my attendance of an accelerated program, whether it was a job interview or interviewing for anesthesia school.
I would strongly recommend to anyone with a prior undergraduate degree interested in pursuing nursing to attend an Accelerated BSN program.
63 Posts
What is considered an Accelerated BSN? I am in a 16 month program, but my nursing GPA is a 3.3 going at this pace. Will this skrew up any chances I have for entry into a CRNA program? I took the GRE already and have 700 Analytical but 450 Quantitative and 4.5 Writing portion. Will working a year working Trauma ICU be good to enhace my options?
233 Posts
Tey LaSalle University, Drexel University has the Hahneman program. I heard La Salle is awesome from two graduates.
173 Posts
What is considered an accelerated BSN? I am in a 16 month program, but my nursing GPA is a 3.3 going at this pace. Will this skrew up any chances I have for entry into a CRNA program? I took the GRE already and have 700 Analytical but 450 Quantitative and 4.5 Writing portion. Will working a year working Trauma ICU be good to enhace my options?
That is a pretty good GRE score I think it's pretty competitive. You GPA is not bad but it's not stellar either. As far as the one year Trauma ICU well my firend no only will that enhance your options it is required by the AANA (1 year critical care).