Which route?


For those of you who went back to school for your advanced nursing degree, how did you decide on which field to pursue?

Initially thought NNP was a good fit but now that I have littles I’d my own, I’m not sure that their hours are family friendly.

Now I’m considering PNP Primary care or something along informatics or healthcare administration. Just not sure how the job market is considering we’d be moving every few years (mil spouse) and deployments are ahead and I have no family support. It’ll just be me and the kids.

Any advice appreciated. Anyone work as an informaticist, PNP, or healthcare administration?

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

I have worked in informatics. It's pretty hit or miss as far as getting positions. You will have to be flexible for hours, as Informatics requires you to do a lot of teaching, not all of which is on day shift.

FNP (not sure what PNP is?) is very saturated in a lot of areas of the country and are facing falling wages and difficulties finding a position.

Healthcare admin is a good tract to take, but you will need to work in acute care for at least five years before anyone will consider you qualified to promote into management or administrative positions. This also is not likely to have simply "family friendly" hours.

You may wish to define what kind of hours you are hoping to find.

Specializes in NICU.

FNP market is saturated. I have many coworkers who have either graduated and haven't found a job or are finishing up school for their FNP (several are struggling to get clinical hours in due to COVID). NNP schools require NICU nursing experience. Regardless of your choice, you need clinical experience and if there is potential to be relocated outside the US, that will be an issue for you to complete the clinical requirements.

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