Published Jun 24, 2009
20 Posts
The ADN program I'm in does not require any sort of medical terminology course. However they do offer two different courses that I think might be beneficial. I just can't decide which to take.
OAD 245 - Medical Terminology. 3credits offered by school of business, CIS/office adminsitration
-designed to instruct the language of medical terminology (specialized and scientific language) used by those who have elected a career in the allied health fields or related professions. Students will be able to identify and understand information found in various types of medical reports.
HSC 100 - Interdisciplinary Health Concepts. 2 credits. Offered by school of health sciences.
-introduces the allied health student to medical terminology and identifies techniques to improve and strengthen communication skills in patient and peer relationships. Provides an opportunity to journey through ethical dimensions as they affect professional lives and the quality of patient care. The student is assisted in teh development of an awareness and appreciation of the allocation of health care resources in teh US, the legal ramification of ethical issues and the importance of professionalism.
Both classes are available on-line, which is what I would do. Thoughts?
400 Posts
i would take medical terminology.
yesdog, BSN, RN
177 Posts
I wouldn't take either. When you try to study medical terms out of context, you end up just remembering them for a test and then they are out of your brain. Just learn medical prefixes and suffixes as your learn anatomy and physiology. You will learn words as you learn concepts etc. and then you will have a better chance of remembering them. Just my opinion of course.
214 Posts
unless you need the credit hours I wouldn't take either, but if you do take one I would go with medical terminology