Where are you from?

World Canada


Just want to get an idea of where everyone is located,

and where they went for their nursing education!

I'll start:

1. Vancouver, BC

2. BCIT (starting soon ... jan06)

Hi all! I am from Vancouver, British Columbia and attend BCIT.


I graduated from the university of Ottawa and I am in the US.

Edmonton! I don't know where I'll be going yet: I'm waiting for comments on LPN schools.

I am from the lower mainland in British Columbia, and my husband and I are contemplating what state we both will move to. This plan is happening in the next 2 years, WE thought Texas, California, Florida, NEw York, Whewh!

why so many? our son has Autism and the move to a state for good resources is a must, not to mention where Canadian RNS are welcomed.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Abbotsford, BC....attending VCC. Can't wait to finish program as our new hospital opened up two months ago.....but do I wanna work there? Not sure, LOL

I grew up in a small town in manitoba. I then moved to a small town 2 hours away to take my nursing. I plan to move back to my hometown next year after I am done and work in the hospital but not sure which area yet.

I'm from NB, in my 2nd year at UNB.

Hi all :)

I am new here. My English is not so good, but I try :wink2:.

I am RN from Poland and Germany. I finished my 5-years education in 1996 (Poland) and have different experience from hospitals, doctors office, out-care and now long term care.

I am looking for another internatonal-educated nurses in Edmonton or Sherwood Park area.

I hope that one day be a RN in Canada :nurse:

God bless

Specializes in ER.


1- I'm from Montreal

2- I did my BSc RN at Laval University


Hi everyone!

I'm from Mississauga,Ontario.

I graduated June 2008 from UNB-Humber College.

Hi everyone!

I'm from K . S .A , BSN ,RN

I graduated ON 6/6/ 2007 from JORDAN .

I am currently on Vancouver Island, British Columbia (yes, buried under feet of snow) and I took my nursing diploma at Lethbridge Community College, my BN at University of Calgary. I also have a critical care specialty from Mt. Royal College

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