Where to put committees at on resume?


Specializes in Neurosurg, Urology Surg, ENT Surg, Neuro.

Hi All,

I am applying for graduate school. We have to include a resume with our application. I am a member of some committees at the hospital and am wondering if I should include that on my resume for school. I would love to show that I am involved on the unit and in the hospital, but I am just unsure of if I should include it or not, and where at.

Thanks in advance,


Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.

From scanning several sites, looks like most recommend listing committees under Professional and Personal Affiliations area.

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

I would say to include it. It shows you take initiative and that you have leadership skills and want to make changes. I would create a section for this as dianah suggested.

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