I got an email late last night from one of our third grade teachers, telling me she had just gotten a message from a parent of one of her students that "she has lice and since none of her cousins have it it must have come from school".
I emailed the teacher back this morning and just said "Thanks for letting me know". The teacher replied "can you please come check the whole class? I don't want it to spread. I emailed our DSO and she told me you would come do that". I about spit my coffee out as my DSO knows I won't do whole class checks. She is also away, so I can't talk to her in person. I emailed the teacher back with the CDC, AAP and BOH recs of not doing head checks or sending out letters to entire class and told her I would not be doing either. Also offered to discuss in person if she had concerns. I emailed my DSO as well to remind her of the recs.
I long for the day when LICE will be no big deal to teachers and parents. I get it, it's a PITA. My DD had lice for the first time the first day of Summer Vacation this year and I wanted to cry (she has loooooong, wavy hair), but other than the inconvenience of having to comb for so many days, it was NBD.