I am a fairly new nurse (graduated in June, started working at the end of August) in a rehab facility. I had a recently admitted resident 10 day s/p CABG x 4 who was found dead in his room during my NOC shift. He was full code but I did not initiate CPR because it was clear that he had been dead for more than a few minutes (he was mottling, the blood was pooling under his head, no respirations or detectable apical pulse. I've had a few days to think about what happened and I'm starting to wonder if I should have started CPR anyway. When is it too late to start CPR? If a resident is full code, should I have started compressions regardless of how cold or blue he was? He was last seen breathing an hour or 1.5 hours before he was found. So he wasn't left alone all night but we don't have one-on-one with a resident unless they have other indications that they are having issues, which he did not. I would like to know what other, more experienced nurses think about this issue.