When did you get your first raise?


Specializes in ICU, CVICU.

When you first started as a nurse, when did you get your first raise (after orientation, 3 months, 6 months, a year)? For the newer nurses, how much of a raise did you get? Was it by a certain dollar amount per hour or was it a percentage of your pay?

Your feedback is appreciated! Our annual reviews are coming up in May and I think I'm due for a raise. I just want to know what to realistically expect. Thanks!

Specializes in Med Surg, Ortho.

I got a $2 raise at 6 months. Will get another certain percentage at my annual review.

My first raise was a hospital wide cost of living increase of 60 cents/hr, about a month after I started. However--I just came across my first pay stub, from 6/13/1987. My hourly wage was $9.63; I grossed $653.88 for 67.9 hrs of work. While that seems like such a small amt, I thought I was livin' large. And, although it seems like so little, I believe it's still more than minimum wage today.... Michele

Specializes in neurology, cardiology, ED.

Yep, that's about what I made as a tech last year!

Specializes in NICU Level III.

It was still during orientation and it was a market raise.

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