When can you expect Canadian NCLEX results?

Hello everyone,

I wanted to post about NLCEX-RN result wait times within Canada because I found very little information available about this topic while I was searching for it. I know it drove me bonkers not knowing how long I was expected to wait for my results (and the 48hr quick results aren't available, to my knowledge, in western Canada). A lot of the information online is American based and is not always applicable to Canadians. I hope this helps!

NOTE: these are not absolute, and these are based solely on my experience and the experience of my peers! These are also all 2018 result wait times.

Most of the nursing organizations within each province and territory state that NCLEX-RN results will be available within 2-6weeks (??? yucky potential wait times right?). HOWEVER, I have never heard of anyone actually having to wait this timeframe, and most receive results within 24 hours (???YAY!!)

I wrote my test within Saskatchewan at 0800 and got my results at approximately 0830 the next day!

Several of my peers wrote their NCLEX in Alberta at 0800 and got their results the next day at 0700! Note several of them wrote their test on different days and even had to drive to a large centre to write it- and the result wait time was consistent among all of them).

I have one peer from British Columbia who wrote her exam at 0800 and got her results 2-3 days later (I can't remember the exact wait-period but it was at most three days).

Unfortunately, I am only aware of the wait times within these three provinces! PLEASE leave a comment down below if you're from a different region of Canada, or had a different wait-time experience with the ones listed above, and share your insight. I'm hoping this can help relieve some of the stress and anxiety of the unknown while individuals wait for their results!

4 Answers

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.

Ontario - I finished my NCLEX exam around 1800hrs (Feb 27th) and received an email from by BON @ 0400hrs (Feb 28th) so less than 24hrs I got my PASS result. I paid my registration (Feb 28th) and voila, I am now an RN.

*In fairness, I was just waiting for my NCLEX result for my RN application before I could pay for my registration. (Yes, that was another fee).


Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.
GlitterPrincess said:

Have you heard of any other Eastern provinces NCLEX result wait times?

I heard a co-worker who did hers in Halifax, Nova Scotia and she said she got her result fast as well. Not sure how long.

*Wow, your yearly registration renewal is so expensive. Ehm, I thought ours was expensive @ $361. But NP, RN, & Registered Practical Nurse's fees are all the same.

Application & Membership Fees

I took the NCLEX RN exam in Winnipeg, Manitoba and received the results from CRNM within an hour at 10:49 am.

@hypnotizer90 thanks for sharing your experience! From what I’ve heard so far many Canadians get theirs in less that 24hrs (with the exception of BC). Congratulations on passing your NCLEX- you’re officially an RN! I wrote mine in February as well ? It’s shocking how expensive the entire process is (association fee to become NCLEX eligible $290, NCLEX fee $360, registration fee $600) ?? so much money.

Have you heard of any other Eastern provinces NCLEX result wait times?

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