When bad nurses get jobs before good ones because of the people they know

Nurses Men


:angryfire After being discharged from my job in the local ED I heard from a friend that still works there that they hired a new female nurse full time that had been prn. Turns out that she was fired from her last job for falsifying records and being caught in the narcotics room on a floor that she did not work on and it was her day off. She was then caught taking narcs from a patients med bottle red handed. She simply walked out and the nurse coordinator for the ED did not even report this to the state board. How are we supposed to feel when things like this happen and are simply swept under the rug because SHE has friends that don't want her to get in trouble. She probably already has another job and therefore another chance to steal narcs. Should I report this to the state board? She has no business giving care to patients and I think that the people that are protecting her should be put in front of the board. Any suggestions/comments. :angryfire

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

If you have proof that she is indeed on drugs, stealing drugs, etc., then yes, it should be reported. But, are you simply reporting her out of anger? Careful fighting fire with fire. You don't want a "backdraft" on yourself for doing things in anger. (Just food for thought) :)

I'm sorry you lost your ED job. ((((hugs)))) Take some time to calm yourself, and regroup for your own sanity sake. Use this time to rethink your goals, come up with a fresh perspective and new strategies for your life. Retreat for a time as if on a sabbatical. Get to know you better, and what it is you truly wish to do in life aside from what you've always done. Then and only then should you focus your positive energy on a path of a richer life for yourself. :)

You wouldn't want to return to a place of employment that didn't appreciate having you in the first place. View it as their loss, and your gain because now you are being given an opportunity to reflect, to rest, and regroup before embarking on a greater journey for you this time, and not for them. Land yourself in a place that appreciates and respects what you bring to the table as a human being and as a nurse. No other deal will do. :balloons:

Honor thyself. To thine own self be true. :icon_hug:

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Be very careful; like Renee said above, you best have your facts straight before you "do" anything at all. Lives and careers are ruined every day due to allegations that can't be proven or are false. Proceed with caution, whatever you do.

Specializes in Utilization Management.

How are we supposed to feel when things like this happen and are simply swept under the rug because SHE has friends that don't want her to get in trouble.

She might be under a disciplinary procedure, too, and management will always have all their i's dotted and t's crossed before they fire someone.

I recall one person under disciplinary procedure appeared to have favored treatment--even the employee was surprised--while a rock-solid case was being built so that if "it" happened one more time, there would be no way that employee could be reinstated (or get unemployment benefits).

So keep checking back. That job might suddenly open up again in a couple of months....or weeks. ;)

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