When a Baby dies....

Specialties NICU


So i posted that I am going to be a new nursing student in the spring. And I have decided that no matter where nursing school might take me I KNOW I want to end up in the NICU. I think about how nice it will be to know I am giving the best care possible to sick little babies and their families, and how wonderful it will be to know I made a difference in that family when they finally take their baby home from the hospital.

I know though, in the back of my mind that the NICU is a very serious and critical place, and some babies will not make it. I am wondering how you as a NICU nurse handle that? How did you handle it when you lost your first patient?

Also, As that babies nurse, what kind of care are you able to give the baby and family after a death? I know it's sort of a loaded morbid question, but I really want to know. What takes place in the NICU after a baby dies?

Part of the preparation for a expected death is the planning.

What will they see?

What will they feel?

What will happen before, during and after?

How long will they be with their child?

Who will see? observe their grief?

What atricles can they keep?

Will it be quick?

Why does it happen quickly?

Why does it happen slowly? How can we be sure the baby does not suffer?

Can I have my famliy; any number? My priest? Voodoo?

I have worked NICU for 5 years. These are the most common questions. Often on nights...because they are planning for the next day.

What if I can't stay? Will my baby be alone?

Please do all you can to help OUR parents. This was not the outcome that they expected. It is uncomfortable; but just imagine how uncomfortable they are. What a wonder...being at someones death. You see them to the other side. What ever your beleif.

Specializes in Wannabe NICU/PED Nurse.

I've always wanted to work with baby's and in the NICU. It does scare me and I wonder if I can handle it emotionally... but to have the opportunity and chance to work with these amazing gifts from God is more than I could ever ask for- I just want to do what I can and impact their little lives as much as I can- and tol help them as much as I am able to... Knowing that I could help even of them is what is giving me the drive to do this and I know I could handle whatever God bringsmy way- I just have to keep my faith and keep believing along the way- whatever is meant to be will be and I can only do so much the rest is in His hands... So I will keep on my journey and will hopefully be able to call myself a NICU/ Pediatrics RN....

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