What's up with this? Interview denied....

Nurses General Nursing


Hi, all,I guess I'm just wondering what's up nowadays with hospitals. I applied for a position on med/surg floor 3 weeks ago. The ad sounded great and experience required was "none - but 2 years recent acute care preferred". OK, so this is my experience in a nutshell:

09/98-08/99: Med/tele/PCU (at another hospital)

09/99-01/05: Outpatient/chronic dialysis in a clinic

11/06-04/08: Acute/inpatient dialysis (at the same hospital where I'm currently applying)

I got a denial letter 2 weeks ago but noticed that the job is still posted (supposedly, "another candidate was hired"). So I called the nurse recruiter today and asked if I could reapply for the job. He told me, "Yes, it's still open, but the manager was not interested in interviewing you." I was too stunned to ask why.... What's up with this?

Yes, the economy is dreadful, and online RN ads at this hospital are 1/4-1/3 of normal, sign-on bonuses are history, I know all that - but do they have so many highly qualified RN applicants that they don't even care to talk to an experienced RN? I'm not a new grad, after all, and desperate enough to consider night shift now. But I also don't want to humiliate myself and beg them to hire me! (Not that it would do any good.)

I was thinking about calling back on Monday to at least ask if there is something wrong with my application/resume*. I should have done that today, but I was just too surprised.

Any feedback/input/guesses as to what's going on? Thanks for reading this.


*It can't be totally wrong, since I did get an interview for a PRN position on another floor (oncology); however, the manager told me she has several more interviews before making a decision. And that for a PRN job with no additional pay and no benefits! It's bad out there...

Yes, they do. Mollen is advertising like crazy in the Jax market.

I'm not anywhere near Jax, but I don't want to be too specific about my location (haha, I'm sure some of the local nurses - and managers - are on this board too).

I'll keep looking, though, they may come to our area in the future.


Same thing happened to me--twice. I interviewed at two hospitals and I have 9 years experience. In both instances, I did not get the position. I did receive notices that "another candidate was selected", but the position is still open. Another position opened up times two and I did not get a call to re-interview. I wondered if it was my resume, my references, my background check, my uniform or the shape of my nose. I am totally unclear why I was not selected. Any suggestions comments?

I can only tell you what I have concluded (after the nurse recruiter told me they had more than 15 applications for the job I applied for - on an ortho floor, which I don't even find that desirable: It's a total buyer's (read: employer's) market. They got lots of desperate nurses, new grads and experienced as well, who are applying for the handful of jobs currently listed (in my area, only the two hospitals are hiring; no doctor's offices, nursing homes, clinics, etc. are advertising at all). I don't think there is anything wrong with you (or me, for that matter), it's just that they have too many to choose from. Mind you, this does not mean that we don't have a chance - years ago, I once went on an interview and didn't hear from the (dialysis) company again; three month later, however, they called back and made me an offer. So all is not lost!

Let's just all remember how they're treating us right now... times will change!!!!


I have a worse story... I was interviewed and actually (surprise) hired on the spot and sent for a urine test and told to come for orientation the next day, which I did. Then, to my utmost surprise.. two hours into the orientation, they pulled me out and told me that they could not offer me the position. I asked to speak to administrator and was told that they had not checked background, references, etc., but would do so and then I could re-start orientation in a week or so. I called back in one week - and was told that they could not offer me the position and when I asked to speak to HR, DON or administrator - was told they were "in meetings".... repeated phone calls got the same result. I explained that I just wanted to know what the problem was - but never got any response to any phone calls, etc...... Nursing Blows Big Time!

Oh, my goodness - first, I think whoever hired you on the spot and had you start the very next day screwed up (not that there is something wrong with you, but they have to do their background checks first!) It sounds like you were made the scapegoat for the manager or HR person who messed up. It's terribly unfair, I feel for you.

I wish you the best of luck, hope you get hired soon.


P.S. If they don't have their act together, as they obviously don't - and after the way they treated you - I sure wouldn't take the job if they begged me now!

Things sure have changed! I better not hear another one of those "nursing shortage cries " cause the above comments sure does not support that! Usually they would take none experience or new grads and train them or mentor them.

There's definitely no nursing shortage right now... instead, there's a nursing job shortage. And employers are taking full advantage of the situations - it's wildcat days for them.

Unfortunately, we're caught in this mess.

Best of luck to all of us,


Jobs are tight. Everywhere. Cold weather always means more demand in many places but who knows this year. Good luck.

Like it was said --- times will change. When I first wanted to go to nursing school in the early to mid 90's, I was told there was a nursing glut in Metro DC region and it was clogged all the way down to Richmond, VA. Then the late 90's and 2k came and you could get 10 offers for jobs in 10 minutes. It seems the cycle has come around to favor the employer.

Be that as it may, it still is common courtesy to treat job candidates fairly and with respect.

Specializes in psychiatric, UR analyst, fraud, DME,MedB.
What??!!! Are you kidding me?

:banghead: That my dear are people who do not know how to undo their errors or misunderstanding. This is the way I look at it ..... Someone hired you legitimately and somehow, someone also hired another person for the same position, and ----and they can only have one. They could have been more transparent and just told you that one of them made a mistake........but they are so unprofessional and such a coward. They can not even be gracious and at least apologize for their mistake !!! Maybe that was a blessing in disguise....'cause come to think of it ---would you like to work for a facility that have people do things like this? No explanation whatsoever and even not accepting the calls form you ! Very disgraceful indeed !This may not be an isolated incidence----you have seen one , chances are this is the way they operate in that place. The people's behavior and action reflects how the facility is run. So consider yourself blessed...and there are other employers that treats you better and more respectful! I sure hope they paid you for that orientation time-----if not , take them to small claims court! No matter how small , this should show teach them something?

Specializes in psychiatric, UR analyst, fraud, DME,MedB.
Jobs are tight. Everywhere. Cold weather always means more demand in many places but who knows this year. Good luck.

HMMMMM , and they say there is a nursing shortage......I tell you what . I would like to see other countries hire US nurses such as UK , Germany and others who have nursing shortage........ and I can see the American facilities changing their attitudes real fast......this could happen. Ask an international travel nurse?

I did find two jobs, actually, both of which hired me - both part-time. One of which has become full time for me thru attrition. However... (isn't there always a catch?)...comes to light... that not only one, BUT BOTH places have narcotic issues.... neither of which were divulged until after I was hired and had worked and then find out after the fact. YIKES! It truly makes me nervous that I work with peers that aren't trustworthy because the cloud of suspiscion (sp?) covers all who work there. I guess it is a sign of the hard economic times. But now management at both places are really being hard-#$%ed toward everyone with access to narc keys. One of the places uses med techs - so they have no license to lose. The saga continues... as my stomach turns.... should have been a clerk @ Walmart.

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