What's the BEST nursing shoes?

Nurses Uniform/Gear


12 hour shifts! OMG!! All that walking, standing, and sometimes running! I've had Crocs, Regular tennis shoes, Merrell running shoes... the list goes on!!! But what is the BEST nursing shoes to have out there? I've heard nurses talk about "Dancecoes". They look so uncomfortable... Hmm... What are your thoughts?? Experiences??

Nike huaraches and Nike vapor maxes . I never have any problems and I work alot as well

Specializes in Trauma/Burn ICU.

I wear Under Armour Valsetz RTS 1.5 tactical boots. They are lightweight, comfortable, offer great ankle support, and have lasted me a long time (~ 2 years and counting.) I recommend!

i am not a nurse yet, but i work long days. i have had hokas, but brooks ghost 12 is my absolute favorite. i also have plantar fasciitis and i had to adjust to the hokas, but my brooks were ready to go out of the box!

i may try the glycerines or adrenalines next?

Specializes in Geriatircs/Rural Hospitals.

Ok I love my Dansko and the last for about 5 years. When I was at a heavier weight could not wear them. Night nurse (got told I needed to be quieter). Sketchers with memory foam; Hoka's one of the newer trends for shoes; always wear compression socks or hose. I loved the boot idea; for a while I wore Keens hiking boots for no slippage; floors always being done through the eight o'clock med pass.

Specializes in critical care, med/surg.

SAS Timeout, been wearing them for 35 years and wouldn't wear anything else. Leather, with washable insole, they don't wear out on one side or the other no matter how much you pronate or supinate. Around $175 but last me over a year. Guys may look at them a little strange but a little old lady nurse in her late 60's turned me on to them and they are great.

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