0540 86y/o F admitted to acute psych ward for Maj. Dep calls to desk, states "I just don't feel right". Skin warm, pink, dry. Vitals 132/80-98.3-86-24-89% RA. Lungs with crackles throughout. Alert and oriented x3.
0542: Covering doctor paged, orders to send to ER for evaluation recieved.
0543: ER notified, instructed to send pt down in "whatever's most comfortable" (stretcher, wheelchair, etc)
0544: Returned to pt's room to find a decreased LOC, VSS. Color pale. Turns heads and looks at you when you speak. (Here's where I got a bad feeling- we packaged her up in the cardiac chair and sent her to the ER). Made a stop at the nurse's station- I wanted O2 on her, but beceause we're a psych ward, we don't stock O2 supplies.
0545: CNA takes concious pt to ER. ER notified of pt's change in status.
0546: Resp. arrest called.
This pt's BNP was over 1800. She's now intubated in the ICU.
I, on the other hand, was berated by the Nurse Mgr. in the ER as well as the supervisor for not calling a code and following the patient to the ER. Our psych ward is 5-7 minutes away from the rest of the floors, and at night, it's only staffed with 1 RN and 1 CNA. If I'd left the floor, I could've been charged with abandonment. I felt it necessary to get this patient to the ER where she could get a higher level of care than I could provide with limited resources.
What do you all think? I'm a bit discouraged- I was told that I have "poor judgement" and I'll be spoken to by legal tomorrow.