What Would Florence Nightingale Say if She Could See Us Now? | Article Contest

Nurses Week is here. We’ve already started the celebration early with contests and a list of Freebies for Nurses. We hope you have been enjoying those. Now...we have something else to add… An article contest. The Nurses Week contest with the biggest prizes of all. For this contest, we want to shine the light on Florence Nightingale and see how we can benefit from her legendary wisdom and contributions to our profession. Nurses Announcements Article Contest


What Would Florence Nightingale Say if She Could See Us Now? | Article Contest

Nurses Week Contest: $1000 in Prizes! 5 Winners - Each Will Receive a $200 Amazon Gift Card

Florence Nightingale - “The Lady With the Lamp”, the World’s Most Famous Nurse, the Founder of Modern Nursing, a True Visionary, and more…  Her work during the Crimean War and beyond in the 1800’s is legendary and was the basis for much of nursing today. Hence her label - the founder of Modern Nursing. Nursing has come a long way since Florence Nightingale’s time… and we still have a long way to go.  If Florence was alive today, what do you think she would say regarding the nursing profession, the healthcare system in general, and the challenges we are facing?  It would certainly be interesting to hear what she would say about the COVID Pandemic and what some of her takeaways would be. 

Unfortunately, she is not with us today, however, we can take a look back to see what she did during her lifetime and speculate what she might say today about the various challenges facing our profession and what we should do.  For this contest, we want you to think about all the challenges nurses are facing today and consider what Florence Nightingale might say.  What solutions would she recommend?  Who better than Flo to add insights on ways to address these issues?  Let's hear your thoughts...

Article Topics

If you are having trouble thinking of ideas for your article, here are some suggestions:

  • COVID Pandemic - Lack of PPE, Hand-washing, Unsafe Working Conditions 
  • Nursing shortage
  • Inadequate staffing - Nurse/Patient Ratios
  • Overworked and Underpaid
  • Nursing Higher Education
  • Nursing School Education, Online vs Brick and Mortar, Student preparedness
  • Hospital Administration
  • Unsafe workplace
  • Healthcare Salary Incongruencies
  • Gender Inequalities
  • Compromised patient care
  • Burnout

$1000 in Cash Prizes! $200 Each for Top 5 Articles

Who Can Enter?

This contest is open to nurses and nursing students.  You don’t have to be an experienced writer.  As long as you are a nurse or nursing student with any experience at all, you have something to share.  We want to hear from you.

Contest Rules of Submission

We are so glad you are interested in submitting an article.  Here are the rules of submission:

  • Article tone and content must comply with our contest rules and Terms of Service. No solicitation.
  • Articles must have a minimum of 700 words.
  • Articles must be submitted between May 6th and June 3rd.
  • No plagiarism - your article must be written in your own words and cannot be posted on other websites, blogs, etc. prior to posting on allnurses.
  • Articles will be reviewed and approved by staff for consideration before displaying publicly.
  • Articles must be unique and should not be listed on other websites, blogs, article sites etc. prior to posting on allnurses. Once your articles have been published on allnurses.com, you are welcome and encouraged to share them on your other sites and social channels.
  • If you have created your article in a document, you must post all content from that document in the text box as outlined below. DO NOT POST THE DOCUMENT LINK ONLY
  • You may submit multiple articles.
  • You grant permission to allnurses.com rights to publish in magazines, books, etc. You will be notified and credited if published.
  • Keep personal formatting choices such as font choice and size to a minimum - use only for headings. 
  • Check grammar, punctuation, and spelling before clicking SUBMIT.

How to Submit Your Article

  • To submit your Article, go to the General Nursing Forum and click the green tab on the right: ADD NEW TOPIC
  • When that loads, click, "Article?". Then, click the dropdown menu that reads: "Yes I'm Submitting An Article".
  • Follow the instructions to complete all required fields (TITLE, ARTICLE SUMMARY, and CONTENT), scroll and click SUBMIT TOPIC. Do NOT submit the article as a PDF file.
  • Once you have submitted the Article, it will be reviewed by the Editorial Staff. If the Editors have questions, they will contact you for additional information.
  • Only Articles containing 700 words or more will qualify for the contest.

Winners will be selected by the Editorial Staff. 

If you have questions about Article submissions, please contact the Admin Help Desk.

Don't Wait

The deadline to submit articles for the contest is June 4th at 11:59 PM ET

Get your article submitted now. The sooner you submit your article, the sooner others will be reading and being inspired by your article, and the more views and likes you will receive. Who knows...You could be one of the 5 lucky prize winners.

Good luck to everyone! We are looking forward to reading your articles.

What have you got to lose?

Celebrate nursing and be proud of the part you play to make nursing the most trusted profession. 

This contest is sponsored by allnurses Ebooks.

Download Quality Nursing Ebooks Quality Nursing Ebooks. Anytime. Anywhere. Our ebooks are created by nurses, educators, students, and healthcare professionals. We have one goal - To help you succeed in your nursing career.


Scroll down to see the list of winners.  CONGRATULATIONS!

83 Articles   5,923 Posts

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Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

REMEMBER: The deadline to submit articles for the contest is June 4th at 11:59 PM ET


Get your article submitted now. The sooner you submit your article, the sooner others will be reading and being inspired by your article, and the more views and likes you will receive. Who knows...You could be one of the 5 lucky prize winners.

Good luck!

Specializes in Programming / Strategist for allnurses.


Submit your articles now. Contest ends June 4th!

Specializes in hospice.

I submitted an article but unfortunately there are gaps between typed words although no words are missing--can you fix it?

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.
10 hours ago, Sandi Elmer said:

I submitted an article but unfortunately there are gaps between typed words although no words are missing--can you fix it?

We will fix it.

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

This contest is now closed.  The winners will be announced soon!

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.


WOW!!  We received so many diverse, creative, and inspiring articles about Florence Nightingale, all of which are awesome! Thanks to all who shared your articles with us. The task of selecting just five winners was very difficult. 

Five winning articles were selected from the numerous contest entries. Each winner will receive a $200 Amazon gift card. ALL submitted articles will be published in the upcoming allnurses Magazine - Special Florence Nightingale Edition to be published later this year.  I think you will be very inspired once you read these wonderful articles.  You will see why it was so difficult to choose the winners. Hopefully, many of you will submit articles for future contests.

And the 5 winners are (in no particular order): 

Florence Nightingale and Environmental Theory - by  pattithenurse

Florence Nightingale on Hospital Reform: Understanding Florence Then and Now - by CDungey

Florence Didn't Fake It - by Leah Mraz, BSN

The Inspirations of Florence Nightingale: Nurses Advocate For Change in a Time of Crisis - by Esther Greenburg

Texting with Flo - by nikkulele77, BSN

Watch for a Private Message with instructions on how to retrieve your prize.



Specializes in Nurse retention, occupational health & safety.

Congratulations everyone!

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.
2 minutes ago, Era Mae Ferron said:

Congratulations everyone!

Thanks so much for your excellent article submission!  We hope that you continue to participate in upcoming contests as well as share your articles with our nursing community.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.