What did you think of General Psychology?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


My psych instructor had our class split into groups and discuss what we expected from the class when we first started and how it differed from our expectations. Several people in my group said they were surprised that it was so "intense" and is not an "Introductory level" course. One woman said she thought it was harder than A&P! :confused:

More than half the class failed the last exam, so I know that people were struggling. I thought it was a good bit of work to keep up with, but not difficult to understand at all. What surprised me the most about the class was how much biology was involved - I loved it!

I'm curious to see what others thought. Maybe it was just a fluke. ???

I love my psychology class!! I take it online though and hopefully i'll end up with a B , this semester. My teacher split quizzes and exams 50/50. She also drops the lowest 2 grades, which I love. I will admit this is my second time taking this class, but the first time my teacher was BORING..so I dropped it:p

I didn't have any problem with this class. I'm breezing right thru....got perfect scores on both of my papers and A's on all the exams.

I just don't see why it is so hard for the others and wondered if anyone else had the same issues. There is a LOT of material covered on each exam, but it was not difficult to understand. To me, it's comparable to Sociology or American History. I found the class to be very interesting once we got past the first few weeks, which was mostly history and theory. Then we got into the biology of the brain, its functions and effects on behaviors.

I was suprised by how much I liked this class and am really looking forward to A&P now that I got a preview of it.

I took AP psychology in HS and I really liked the content. The mind is a beautiful and scary thing!

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