Published Nov 13, 2010
Needsmorechocolate, ASN
98 Posts
I was just wondering what supplies everyone normally takes with them during a fire drill. Sometimes I feel like I am taking everything but the refrigerator.
Thanks everyone for your wisdom and support!
mustlovepoodles, RN
1,041 Posts
I take my large file case with the health cards in it. I may start taking out my emergency diabetes supplies. Not sure if I really need to. It probably wouldn't hurt, though. Just gotta figure out how many hands I need to carry stuff. I don't take a first aid kit because I figure that in an emergency we'll have EMS on the scene pretty quick.
157 Posts
My emergency bag and our EPI-PEN tote bag. You never know when an allergic student will get stung by a bee. I have never packed up the inhalers, but if there really was a fire, I would toss those in the bag too. I suppose the whole point of a drill is to practice what you should do in a fire. I should probably start practicing that too.
nightie-night nurse
31 Posts
I take the wheelchair and put my emergency bag, a box with all inhalers and epi-pens in it, my box with emergency contact cards, and when I had a diabetic, I took his emergency care box. Oh yeah, and don't forget any students that I may have with me. :smackingf
6 Posts
We have a policy certain people are to grab certain things for example the secertary is to grab the 1st aid kit, the guidance counselor is suppose to help me grab the emergency medication box that contains inhalers, epipens, and glucagons. I always take my medical concerns list and the medcation log book, and the assistant principal grabs the AED off the stage on his way out.
I never thought about taking the AED. I might need to add it to my list.
42 Posts
Oh God! I don't have a list at all!
How am I supposed to grab all the Epipens/inhalers? My whole cupboard is full of them.