What is a shift like for a PP/mother/baby nurse?

Specialties Ob/Gyn


I finally have the nursing job of my dreams and have yet to start orientation, so I've been reading these threads to get an idea of some ins and out's that I'm not already aware of. I have floated to PP in the past on night shift when I worked med/surg.

Can someone give me an idea of what your typical day entails? I know with med/surg I started the day with 800 meds then 1200s, 400s, 800s etc... In between there were the dressing changes, crazy senial old folks trying to escape, measuring fluids constantly, etc... I imagine mother/baby will be similar but with a different patient population, less scheduled meds, and more patient education.


WOW!!! Thanks, Cherokeesummer. That's just what I was looking for. ... and so detailed too. Thanks so much.

I thought what you said about having the moms give you a list of what they need is good b/c when I had my 2nd little one two months ago, I kept thinking of things I needed after my nurse had left the room!! Being a nurse myself, I would be kicking myself for not remembering while she was in the room!! Plus, I was thirsty to no end so my water needed continuous refilling. Too bad your unit doesn't have techs. .... I don't know if the one I'll be working on has techs or not. Most of what I found I needed was something to quench my thirst constantly, ice packs for my sore bottom, and pain meds for the after labor pains! BTW, I couldn't believe how bad the after labor pains were the second time around.

Thanks again for your lengthy response!!:yeah:;):bowingpur:yelclap::bby::anpom:

I wish our patients used something different, I've heard that they are trying to go with duramorph - I don't know anything about that but will look it up!

Anyway our sections have PCA for a little over 2 days. They come over with it and a catheter, then we try to get the cather out the same day, later on. on Day1 (the day after delivery day that is) we do lower the pca usually (when anestheisa comes around) then on day2, we generally remove the epidural if the doc says its ok. Then day3 they go home. We are trying to pilot seeing how many ppl want to go home a day early. So that means pca out a day early too.

When I had my section for my son I wanted pca out the same day but they encouraged me not to b/c of the pain. I do think I got it out the next day tho LOL. I walked about 6 hours post op (was in reovery for a few hours), had cath removed and went to the NICU to see my son. I was determined LOL! :):):):)

I think alot of people do better once they get on lortab or percocet post op then the PCA all it did was make me stupid didn't take away the pain enough (had 3 vag with nothing then #4 a c/s).

Our usual PCA does is 1.5mg q 15 for lockout of 20 mg in 4 hrs. Most don't use demerol where I work a few do.

The astormorph/duromorph for the most part is wonderful...get anesthesia on it. I'd want that epidural out ASAP so I could get in the shower.

Any night shift mother/baby nurses? How does your shift play out?

Specializes in OBGYN, Neonatal.
Any night shift mother/baby nurses? How does your shift play out?

I've only done a few night shifts so I don't remember how it goes LOL but I'm sure someone here can help!

Hello I am a 3rd shifter. We have the crazy nights and the nights that make me love 3rd shift. In my unit we either work L&D and postpartum, or Peds/Nursery and Postpartum. I am a L&D nurse.

10:45-11:45 or possible 12 or later. Depending on how busy we are. We get report on all the postpartum patients and babies. Everyone gets report incase it gets busy and Labor nurses have to go to labor. We can just give updates to who is taking over.

The next 1 to 1 1/2 hours (depends) we spend doing mom assessments. I check the need for meds, answer any questions. offer advise. I really thought that nights would be slow, but so many patients don't sleep (with new babies) that nights are quiet (no company). That many people feel they can ask questions that they didn't feel comfortable asking with everyone around.

I try to chart moms assessments once I am done. I also gather up the babes and get them to the nursery for their assessments.

Hopefully we have a tech on that has started vitals, but lately that hasn't been the case. We also do weights at nights. We do assessments, weigh, vitals. We also do bilichecks at night. We then do the needed bloodwork if necessary. Serum bilis, PkU, Dextrose. Then I try to chart on the babes.

We really encourage our moms to enjoy the chance to sleep and most babies are kept in the nursery. We then spend the rest of the night taking babies out to feed (or feeding babies that are to be fed in) answering call lights, checking on post-op patients. Lot of time I have a baby in my arms while I chart. A feed in or a cranky one that wants to feed constantly just trying to hold it so mom can get some extra sleep. This is also the time that we can laugh and joke with other nurses. I want days but I will miss these times alot if I go to days.

All of our 1st day moms usually have blood work so usually sometime after 3 we do blood draws. Any day one sections I also try to get them up and have them walk to the bthrm. We use duramorphs so all the moms on that have to have resp. checks Q hour that needs to be charted.

WE also need to check all the charts with the computer to see if our meds are correct.

Need to have all I&O's in by 5 so it will print off for baby's Dr. At times Docs come in early and we assist with circs.

Since I am in L&D many times I get called to help if I didn't start back in labor. I could go and admit a patient or help while a delivery is going on an then I go back to floor.

We then give report to the charge nurse and watch the floor so she can give the hour of more report.

That about sums up a night in postpartum for me.:nurse:

Thank you very much, sunny. It definitely seems a like a full night for you, but definitely interesting.


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