What to do after SEC assessment?

World Immigration


Hello to everyone.

I am a Registered Nurse in the Philippines with one year experience in the Operating Room and 3 months experience in the General Medical/Surgical ward (prior to being assigned in the OR). I have filed my application with CRNBC and I have done my IELTS already.

Last week, I received a letter from CRNBC stating that for CRNBC to continue assessing my application, I must take a SEC assessment test (nursinginbc.ca).

My original plan was to apply for a Work Permit/BC PNP after I get my job offer after CRNBC states that I am eligible to write the CRNE. However, since CRNBC will not be able to assess me until I take the SEC, my plan is now all messed up.

I know what the SEC is about, what worries me is how to go about this. Obviously, I will have to go to Canada sometime this year (my deadline is Dec. 10, 2009) and take my SEC, probably on a Tourist Visa. What to do AFTER the SEC assessment is what bothers me. Kwantlen U. said it will take them 3-8 weeks to release my results, and CRNBC sait it will take them 1-2 months to assess the results. If I fail, I would have to take some coursework and retake the SEC, if I pass I would then be eligible to write the CRNE. The timeframe between CRNBC assessing my results and, assuming I pass, declare that I am qualified to write the CRNE is vague.

So why is this troublesome? Obviously, I will have to STAY in BC while I wait out how all these events work out. Going back home to the Philippines would not be financially sound; I cannot imagine going back and forth to Canada without putting my family into serious debt. So I am stuck in Canada WITHOUT work for AT LEAST 3 months.

To IENs who have to take the SEC, what are your plans? What do you plan to do as you wait out the results of this process?

To CRNBC and other regulating bodies, I know why you have to do this, but would it not be better if SEC were offered OUTSIDE Canada as well? Or maybe somewhere else along the application process, maybe after getting 350+ hours of supervised work? Do you know you are asking IENs to travel to Canada to take the SEC without secure employment or even permission to work? Please know that the fare alone to Canada is no small change for those of us in developing countries, at least assuring us that this can be a ONE TIME expense with work at the end of the line for us to pay off unavoidable debts would be a step in the right direction.

To immigration and visa experts, what do I have to do to be able to find and do work in Canada for these months? Can I apply for a Work Permit when I have an employer? Obviously I cannot work in the hospital, but any work for proper pay is fine, so long as the work (and my stay) is legal and the pay is proper. If I need to do coursework, will I have to appy for a Student Visa as well?

Thank you very much for your time.

Hi kellie & imukfurok,

Would suggest going to www.mtroyal.ca. for more information re: OSCE, triple jump and case scenario. in there, there are examples about it..Normally, if you book an appointment for SEC, you would get information from their contact person thru email on references, "guide" books to study as there is no review book for this SEC assessment.

Re: what book i used in preparing myself, CRNE prep guide, MOSBY's CaNAdian comprehensive review-2nd edition (orange color book), . If you have months to prepare , i would really go for studying Student Study Guide - Medical-surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking In Client Care by P. Lemone. But this books i suggested are only for the written and short answer exam part.

For the OSCE, i would definitely suggest to review on your psychomotor skills, ex.medications how to perform IV, IM, wound dressing etc. Those kind as you might have to perform return demo . What specifically, it varies, so just be prepared. And if you have been asked on focused specialty like Maternal and Child care or others, then would be beneficial to read on books specializing in that. Mine, was only Med-Surg.

Basically, SEC isnt just about knowledge, more so also skills and critical thinking...

Lastly, i would suggest making an appoinment now as last time i heard from a friend, next available was on a December 2009...They're getting busy . So doesnt mean when you're ready to take the SEC assessment and call for an appointment, that date is available..I think,they're kinda short-staffed in ratio to the demand coming in...

Hope it helps. Just private message me if you want more info:) Sorry if there are typo errors, kinda rushing!

Btw, just to add...It really would help if for the OSCE, think like you're going on your first day of work in a hospital setting...You'd come in prepared for all skills right?? so that's the best way i can described to come prepared for OSCE... Im sure to those who have experience, it won't be as tough as for those who don't have practical experience. But doesn't mean you should relax, as you'll never know what theyll ask you to perform > study on medications (pharma) too! good luck

Thanks a lot 5cats and dasha1111, i really appreciate the info's.

Specializes in intensive care, recovery, anesthetics.

You're welcome.


your welcome:) No problem!

hi dasha1111 have you taken your SEC assessment? how was it? pls. share the experience.. this goes to aslo to anyone who have taken SEC recently.


hi guys anyone took the SEC Assessment recently? pls. share your experience and give some tips.


Hi have you sit for sec can you email me about sec exam

... also waiting for those who can share their experience during the SEC Assessment... thanks a lot ....

To AVKON : hi! I have the same problem as you do although my SEC invitation expires February of next year. Have you figured out what to do after SEC? I'm toying with the idea of going there as an immigrant with the help of an agency.That way I would have papers allowing me to work while I wait for all the results. The initial cost is expensive, though.

Hi... sorry, this is rather late reaction.... you have mentioned that your SEC invitation expired last February. How much did they give you? have you take the SEC assessment already? thanks a lot for your reply...

hi all, I am new to this website and new to this sec thing. I landed here about 4 weeks ago with my thre kids, from brisbane, austalia (husband to follow), and have been battling my way through the registration process. I hve been told that I need to do an SEC in pediatrics and maternal health. I ahve been nusring for 20 years and sepcialise in cardiac (adult cardiac), so the thought of having to do this is quite daunting. I have been to kwantlan and borrowd books and am booked in for the 5th adn 6th of october for my SEC, and was just wondering if there s anyone out there who has any tips for me. I find this process very frustrating, especailly considering there is ashortage on cardiac nurses in vancouver, but to be honest I do get it. so any help would be greatly appreciated and I of course would reciprocate for anyone followong me, it is not cheating is it, it is simply sharing information and narrwoing my field of study down a little, cheers all much appreciated

hi... how was your SEC assessment.... hope you made it! and hope you can share your experience....

Hope somebody can enlighten me this....

Pass SEC assessment -> can I work already while preparing for the CRNE?

Fail SEC assessment -> take refresher course??? How long? Do I pay for the tuition fee?

thanks a lot.....

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