What questions are asked at nursing school interviews?


I read today that the program I am applying for has an interview if you are selected...it's a group interview (meaning 4 other applicants would be sitting there, too). I think that is totally awkward, but I can see why they need to do it with so many people applying. SO, what kind of questions do they ask you? I'm just curious because, they also base their decision on a points system according to your GPA and TEAS score. So, let's say you get a perfect 800- what on earth could go wrong in the interview that you wouldn't be selected? Enlighten me, please.

Specializes in Legal, Ortho, Rehab.

I remember being asked things like why I was going into nursing, would I be able to meet the program requirements, what makes a good nurse, etc. Hope that helps...you really can't prepare for that sort of thing. For all we know they could throw a curve ball...Really though, I think it's all about meeting prospective students, and screening who will be serious about what they are doing.

Hey! I was the only one being interviewed so they may not ask these type of questions, but they asked a lot of "name a time questions.." Like name a time when you had a difficult patient or customer and how you handled it, name a time when you had to make a difficult decision, name a time when you were required to perform several tasks at one time and how you handled it, and then also why you chose nursing and what brought you here. It also may help if you do some research on the school incase they ask why you chose the school you did. I think they really like to hear their school is desired. Oh yeah, and getting a killer outfit helps too! Wish you the best!

Specializes in PACU, presurgical testing.

Be really prepared to tell them why you want to be in their program, and why they should want you there. Know what you want to do with it (I don't know what degree level it is, but it never hurts to have some idea of where you're going in the long run), what the requirements of the program are, etc. If you get the names of your interviewers ahead of time (I knew one of mine ahead of time), look them up on the faculty roster for the department and make sure you know their areas of expertise. BUT, don't use that info to kiss up in the interview; they'll know if you're just trying to look good vs. a having a genuine interest in their research or practice area. It can save you from writing off a practice area that you don't like but that is their life's work! :imbar

Good luck!

thanks everyone! :yeah:

I think I'm going to make an appointment to talk with someone and ask them why I should go to their program vs. the other very popular one in town... I'm a little concerned now, reading about how head/charge nurses seem to be frustrated with BSN grads who don't have enough basic care experience and too much theory knowledge.

I just wrote this long response and it got deleted! GRR! So I will keep this one short and sweet..

Nursing schools want to hear from YOU, not some made up answers you think they want to hear. Questions they will probably ask you:

Why do you want to be a nurse?

Why do you want to come to this school?

What have you researched about the profession?

What would you do if you disagreed with a physician's order?

These are just a couple I can think off the top of my head. With group interviews, they want to see how you interact with others. Do you communicate well? How do you handle a little bit of heat? (being in a room with other potentials makes the room a little hot because you are essentially competing with them for a spot and hearing their answers as well...)

Good grades gets you noticed but it doesn't always mean you will get a spot. You have to show them your personality! Good luck, have fun, deep breathe!

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