Published Mar 16, 2010
27 Posts
Hello ,
I am planning to enroll in a 5-week CNA program this summer. I am hoping that after the exam i can get hired quickly (doesn't matter if its in a nursing home). But i'm concerned that i will have trouble finding a job that doesn't interfere with my school schedule. I'm going part time during the summer twice a week in the evening, but once fall semester starts i will go full time. I want to only work part-time since school is my main priority. I have heard some jobs are more flexible if you're enrolled in a nursing school but i am not there yet.
I basically just want to know if I'm limiting myself since i only want to work part time. are there many jobs looking for part time? and what would a usual part time shift be like and how many days a week?:)
94 Posts
My job let's me pretty much work whenever I want as long I work every other weekend and inform them of needing a schedule change ahead of time. I mean, I can't just call out for the heck of it but say I want to work Mon, Wed, and Fri + my weekend then I have to tell them a week or two in advance.
I do have to work the full 8 hour shift on the days I'm scheduled for. If I wanted to, I could just work 12s or 16s every weekend and take the weekdays off. I might do that if I get into LPN school in the fall.
Poi Dog
1,134 Posts
I work Friday through Monday from 6am - 2pm. I put in 30 hours and get a bonus $100 just for working the weekends.
I am happy with that schedule.
fuzzywuzzy, CNA
1,816 Posts
You will have to work at least every other weekend but if you say you'll work every weekend they'll have NO problem with that! You could do Fri Sat Sun or Sat Sun Mon, or Sat Sun and one shift during the week... maybe even work 12 hour shifts 2 days a week. It really is flexible (unless you're demanding M-F 9 to 5. lol).
Wow those schedules all sound great. I would definitely want to work on the weekends so I hope that helps. I hope that wherever I get hired they'll be as flexible.
634 Posts
most places need hard-working, reliable CNAs badly that they will work with your schedule in order to keep you. good luck!
903 Posts
Some LTC facilities can be very flexible. When I was hired, I let them know that I was a full time student, and they made a part-time schedule to accommodate me. I worked four weeknights per week, 3-7p, no weekends required. 16 hours per week wasn't much, but it at least helped to pay a bill or two and helped me to get some great hands-on experience.