What is a nonprofit hospital?

Nurses General Nursing


I see very wealthy hospitals building and adding equipment and still floating bonds. Why are they called nonprofit when they have the best of everything?

Dum Dum

Specializes in Transplant, homecare, hospice.
I see very wealthy hospitals building and adding equipment and still floating bonds. Why are they called nonprofit when they have the best of everything?

Dum Dum

Grants, donations....???

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

They still make money. They use it for day to day operations, but also in investments such as building, etc. I work for a not-for-profit that is like that, we're currently construction a million dollar project to expand the OR. They've always invested in their future like that with their money.

But like Jax said above, they do so with a lot of grants. We have a major fundraiser not to long ago, where staff, doctors and community leaders donated bundles of money.

You sound a bit critical, but that's better than some fat cat profiting off of people's suffering. :)

Not for profit hospitals still make money, they just don't pay out dividends to stock holders, instead they reinvest the "profit" back into healthcare and the community. They still have a board of directors that approve business decisions like that of a for profit hospital

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