What do you know about Adelphi's RN to BSN program?


Specializes in LTC.

I'm thinking about doing Adelphi's ASCEND program for my BSN. So far all sounds well but I wonder if anyone has been through the program. I could use a little insight. Thanks.

Specializes in L&D/Mother-Baby.

Hi girls1,

I just got accepted for the upcoming Spring semester's RN to BSN program and will begin the enrollment process shortly. I too would love some information on the program, specifically the one day a week structure they offer in Manhattan for working RN's.

What I do know about the program is positive and comes from students who did their clinicals on the L&D unit I worked in and a friend who graduated there 3 years ago.

I look forward to some feedback as well.


Specializes in LTC.

Hi Melita.

I didn't even realize the courses were offered in Manhattan. That's already a bonus. I have an appointment to see a counselor in November and will be submitting my application shortly since I would like to be considered for spring admission.

Bring on the info!:coollook:

Hi Melita, I was told that the RN to BS program is no longer offered in Manhattan campus due to inadequate student attendance. However, it is only offered in Garden City Campus.

Specializes in L&D/Mother-Baby.

Hey Milkberry,

Thanks for that information. I was not aware of that, however, I do believe the program is one day a week, therefore, it shouldn't be too difficult trekking out there once a week next Spring. Did you find out anything else about the ASCEND program? Are you still planning to attend?

Thanks again.

Hi, MelitaRN, I don't know anything else other than what you know. Did you receive the new student package yet? Or did you meet with the academic adviser yet? I really hope it's really take one day a week, if more than that, that will be too much. Btw, I live in Brooklyn.

Specializes in L&D/Mother-Baby.

Hey Milkberry,

I hope you are doing well.

I received an e-mail a few days ago to attend Transfer Registration Day on Monday, November 9th in the main campus in Garden City. At this event, accepted transfer students will receive academic advisement and a chance at first choice registration. In addition, students attending this event will have their tuition deposit waived, so that is a big plus (it's $250).

I RSVP'd and will be attending, God willing. I will ask questions there and let you know what I find out, especially with regards to where classes for the BSN program will take place.

In doing research on the upper level nursing courses, I noted that 6 out of 9 courses are offered online. I am not sure whether that helps you at all, but I found it great since it means not having to trek to Garden City often for classes (if indeed they are no longer offering in their Manhattan Classes).

Take care,


Hey Milkberry,

I hope you are doing well.

I received an e-mail a few days ago to attend Transfer Registration Day on Monday, November 9th in the main campus in Garden City. At this event, accepted transfer students will receive academic advisement and a chance at first choice registration. In addition, students attending this event will have their tuition deposit waived, so that is a big plus (it's $250).

I RSVP'd and will be attending, God willing. I will ask questions there and let you know what I find out, especially with regards to where classes for the BSN program will take place.

In doing research on the upper level nursing courses, I noted that 6 out of 9 courses are offered online. I am not sure whether that helps you at all, but I found it great since it means not having to trek to Garden City often for classes (if indeed they are no longer offering in their Manhattan Classes).

Take care,


Hi Melita,

I have been accepted to Adelphi as a transfer too and already sent in my tuition deposit. I never received any info to attend the Transfer registration day so I'm a little annoyed! I called to find out when I could register and they told me that I would have to be advised first and gave me a date of November 19th for advisement. Is there some sort of link to this event on their website? Any info would be great!



Specializes in L&D/Mother-Baby.

Hey M.P.,

I received an e-mail with an invitation to the event. Question: Are you doing the RN to BSN program? That is what I got accepted to and not the regular BSN program. This may be why you did not receive the e-mail. In either case, here is a link to the transfer student events they host: http://admissions.adelphi.edu/admisevents.php#AdultEvents. Check to see whether you could attend this one on the 9th.

Let me know what you find out.


Hi Melita,

Thanks for the info. I am not doing the RN to BSN, I only have an A.A. but I registered on the website and called just to make sure. The admissions rep said that it was fine and I can get advised and register on the 9th instead of the 19th! Again, thanks for the help!


Specializes in L&D/Mother-Baby.

Great, I am glad I could provide some information to help you. I will be attending on the 9th as well, so good luck and welcome to Adelphi.

Hi, MelitaRN. I just got a phone call from the academic service office by which they remind me to attend the transfer registration event on Monday. However I asked if there is any academic adviser for Nursing students, she said she needs to ask the nursing department for more details and will give me a call before the event. I'll let you know once I find out.

Btw, are you able to call the nursing department to request an individual advisment for registration? I called, but always got forwarded to voice mail machine. I left a voice message and I got a call back from them one week later. They gave a email to contact the director of ASCEND Program. I emailed to schedule an appointment with the consoler a little bit more than one week ago, so far I haven't heard of anything back from the consoler. Unbelievable......

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