What kind of nurse are you?

Nurses General Nursing


  1. I work in a... (Feel free to comment unit and personal experiences)

89 members have participated

How are you using your nursing education?

What do you do for a living (If you are simply a nurse, tell me about the unit), and do you enjoy it?

I plan to start a BSN program in the fall and am just curious to hear what those with experiance in the field have chosen for themselves.

Personally, with no experiance to base this off, I believe I would enjoy surgical, dermatology, and pediatric units.

Bonus round: Tell me why I might not enjoy the units I listed.

Work at the county jail and I love it.

Two nurses in my organic chemistry class work at a county jail. It definitely shocked me with some of the stories they had. Ex: Chicken bones being stuck in places they do not belong and I would have never guessed would fit :no:

Nursing is a very vast career that I think even if you don't like your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc job, eventually with enough time, learning, and expanding from each experience most people will eventually find something that they like, or can at least tolerate, at some point.

This is one of the major reasons I have chosen nursing as a career. There are many jobs with opportunities to help someone, but no other field has as much diversity in the demographic you help or assistance you provide. I could have 10 completely different jobs by the time I am 30 and still not exhaust my options. Obviously I don't plan on being a job hopper, I would like to find something I like and stick to it. The freedom a career in nursing gives someone is the ability to find their path, not be placed on one.

I never heard of pool nursing before you mentioned it and I did research. Why did you end up not sticking with it?


I am a full time acute care nurse working in labor and delivery. I also do postpartum occasionally.

I love it. (:

I am also in school getting my master's in nursing education. I would say keep an open mind and see which clinical rotations you enjoy. You might be surprised!

Was acute care in labor/delivery where you started out? What kind of experiance is needed to work in that unit? I would love to be a new grad in a labor/delivery unit, but I always had the impression positions like that usually go to more seasoned nurses.

I work in a hospice/palliative care unit. It's like a free-standing little hospital where we focus on comfort care, emotional support, education, etc. I absolutely love it!

Specializes in hospice, LTC, public health, occupational health.

I've worked inpatient hospice, long term care, a public health clinic, and now just started an occupational health job. There was a lot I loved about hospice and if I stay in nursing long term that's likely where I'll end up again. In LTC I enjoyed getting to know the patients. At public health, I enjoyed the refugee patients the most. Occ health, I dunno yet, I'm on day 3 so I'll have to let you know.

I had some pediatric patients in my last job and can tell you I do not want to work with children medically. I hate having to stick them or really do anything painful to kids.

I work in a hospice/palliative care unit. It's like a free-standing little hospital where we focus on comfort care, emotional support, education, etc. I absolutely love it!

Hey, me too! I love it: I worked as a CNA on med/surg at my local hospital, and decided it was not for me: I loved my co-workers and admired their work ethic and team-mindset, their grace under fire....but it didn't call to me. I like taking time to talk to people and understand their challenges. I like the clear focus on the patient as an individual. I like providing comfort, and the many ways that can happen. I love what I do, and love that there are so many 'flavors' of nursing out there!

'If you are simply a nurse"? There is no simple about it. We give our heart, body and soul for this profession.

I don't think you've got what it takes., as you are already looking for anything but hands on care.

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