What inspired you to be a nurse??


Just doing a little research on what inspires someone to want to become a nurse. Any stories from you all would be appreciated. My father had a heart attack when I was 10 and remembers a nurse to this day that was extra special & inspired him to live a healthier lifestyle and get home to his family quickly. His recommended 6 week stay by the docs at the hospital turned into 3. I was too young to visit him at the hospital. He swears to this day that he recovered so fast because of her going above and beyond. She taught him how to eat properly, got him on an exercise regimen, and believed in him. Sometimes that's all we need to gain courage to put our thoughts into action. I've wanted to be a nurse ever since. I'm just now getting the kahonas to go back to school after being out for 11 years. Better now then not at all!! Thanks for reading!

Specializes in General Nursing.

i have joy in caring 4 people.

About 12 years ago, my H.S. started a program with the local communtiy college. It was geared towards H.S. seniors and was put into place so that we could get jobs as CENA's right out of H.S. That was 3 kids, 10 years of marriage (12 years since I graduated), and a whole lot of growing up ago. (Hope that made sense.:chuckle ) Any way in that time I not only lost my grandmother to her second battle with cancer, but also just about every person on my mom's side of the family has passed away from the cancer curse. I decided when I had children that if I couldn't dodge the bullet, so to speak, that I would at least try making others feel better. (Because someday it might be them watching me suffer from it.) You know, give a little back. I know it sounds corny, but I just know this is where I am supposed to be. Like it is my calling or something. I had held off my education because of some health problems that had to be taken care of, and if I hadn't, I wouldn't have the three beautiful angels I have now. Today I am more sure then I have ever been in my life that this is where I am supposed to be. Even now I get all teary eyed thinking about it. Next to being a mommy and a wife, it is my passion in life to be a nurse. If I don't make it, you ask? Well, see then the Lord has other plans for me. But right now I am pretty sure this is it.

Good luck to all of you. May you all reach your goals and more. Many prayers and much blessings.



I am starting school fall 05 to become a nurse. I am currently in Iraq as a satelitte tracking system repairer(ohh big name). I concretly decided to become a nurse when someone I know got his with a sand bomb.(explodes sends sand at you at over 300 MPH) We franticly started caring for him and he eventually got flown away, he lived through the insident, as I looked back I really want to try and help people the best way I can. I already work about 120 hours a week for about $400 a week so I know how bad hours affect you.

I just really think it would be something I would enjoy and that is why

I had a great nurse when I was hospitalized with Post Partum Depression. She told me I was strong and could do whatever I wanted with my life. She started me thinking.

One of my children had pneumonia and the nurse on his unit was uncaring, left as much of the care as possible to the family, and never explained anything to anyone.

I remembered what I the Psych nurse had told me. I decided that patients deserved better care than my child had received and I would never treat my patients the way the ped nurse had treated my child.

I went back and although I don't work ped, my patients alway know why I'm doing it, what it will do for them, and if appropriate I share the info with their families.

I was lucky enough to be in a position that I could work casual and take the shifts that I wanted. But hey, what can I say, I do it for the respect, and great pay that a previous poster mentioned. And I just love the nurse jokes and innuendo about the caps that men of a certain age love to mention!?:uhoh21:

from the time i was 12 years old, i helped my Grandma with her ADL's... when she broke her hip and threw a PE, i was at her bedside every day after school... and once i left university, i cared for her FT for 6 months... she's the reason i decided that nursing would probably be something i'd enjoy...

Specializes in i.c.u., med surg.

I'm a "KellyO"... some of my girlfriends from grade school still call me that to this day...Kelly O'Neal was my name before I got married...Thanks everybody for sharing all of your stories!!...I'm the one who started this thread.

Being pregnant w/my first child made me fascinated with the human body and what it is capable of (especially a woman). My decision was cemented during labor. I had a nurse who to this day I think of when I just want to give up. She was at my side and was such a calming presence. I decided that I wanted to have the opportunity to touch someone like that.

Just before I started in August, my brother (45) had an MI and then quadruple bypass surgery. Seein him and the excellent care he received has made me start thinking of cardiac nursing... (not to mention all the technology-I loved seeing it all at work).

The good experiences I have had w/nurses are what inspired me to choose this path. I had an outstanding nurse through a difficult delivery. I also watched hospice nurses take care of my uncle in his last weeks...so much compassion, kindness, and understanding. I knew that was what I wanted to do for other ppl right then and there. Last but not least....yep, I need a job that pays more than the jobs I have held in the past.

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