Published Feb 25, 2010
Ximena2008, RN
128 Posts
Hello all:
I must sit for the RN exam tomorrow, I am freaking out since this is the my 4th try. I know I am not ready. I did not study much and just got surgery 2 weeks ago, so physicly I don't know if I'll be able to sit for long at all. I don't feel like showing up tomorrow, so if I dont what can happen? I don't want to fail again, FL gives u 3 chances and then you need to take a refresher course, which I did last year, if I dont show how does it count like a failed or like I did not show but I still keep my 3 chances? Help please I am feeling desperate.
38,333 Posts
You will forfeit the fees and have to start the application process again. You need to contact the Board to see if they will allow you another chance. As I see it, they should, but you need to find out for certain. Do you have enough time to cancel and reschedule online? I would do that instead of not showing up.
Tomorrow is the last day of the allowed time since I pay for the exam. I know I will have to apply again and pay all fees, but I rather that than failing and losing a chance out of the 3 chances allow. Lets see maybe God will give me strenght to show and hopefully pass this time with the knowledge I have