What should I do?

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Pediatrics.

I have applied to to 4 nursing schools, two I have heard from and I did not get in. I am still waiting to hear back from two, so if I get in to one of them I don't have a problem.

What I am wondering is, if I dont get in to any schools this year. Should I go to a trade school and get my LPN, and then work to get my RN later, or retake my A&P classes for higher grades to improve my chances next year.

It would be cheaper to retake the classes and try to get in another year. Yet I have been working on pre-reqs for two years and I am anxoius to get to nursing classes. I also fear that even if I retake the A&P classes and I dont get in the next time, it would have been a year wasted when I could have gotten my LPN.

What would you do, anyone out there gotten thier LPN through a trade school any thoughts about them, postive or negative?

Specializes in ED.

How low were the grades in A&P? IF they were C's, I would re-take. If they were B's, I think I wouldn't. Do you have all your pre-reqs done? Some schools are so competitive you have to have everything done in order to get in. The class you are in when you apply do not count. So, just waiting to complete the class you are in would help. IF you want to be a RN I would probably try again in a year.

Specializes in Nurses who are mentally sicked.

You have been trying one way...

So...it is time to try another way....

I was an LPN before becoming an RN in 2004....

Final decision is in your hands...

Good luck!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I am thinking that I might be retaking the A&P classes, the first one I got a B in the second and third I got C's in. I have finished all pre-reqs, I was in the process last year. I have finished one Associates degree in genral ed and I am currently working on a second Associates degree which is a transfer degree.

However I did schedule an interview at a trade school in two weeks, but they are so expensive

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