Published Nov 5, 2014
2 Posts
I have been travel nursing for a few years now and have never had this situation occur. I just started at a busy ER in the twin cities, I actually LOVE the job but a problem has arisen. My contract specifically states that the hours are 12 hour shifts/days/nights and 72 hours bi-weekly. I have been scheduled all 8 hour shifts but one the first and second week I've worked. My question is what am I supposed to do if THEY are not keeping up their end of the contract? My recruiter doesn't seem to be sticking up for me. He tells me they are super short and these are the shifts they need. My question is: why did they contract me for 12 hour shifts? Where do I go from here? Do I have any legal leg to stand on as far as getting them to comply or quitting this contract? Thanks for any responses.
1 Article; 5,782 Posts
What do you want to happen? The hospital to provide you with 12 hour shifts that don't work for them? It is a shame that they discovered that they cannot get travelers unless they lie about their needs for 8 hour shifts and that your agency colluded with them.
Technically, your agency is in breach of contract so you can bail. I would put them on notice that you will leave unless your schedule conforms to your agreement and things may change. If not, you are free to leave. That doesn't mean it will be pleasant to do so. Your agency will bluster and threaten, and probably withhold your last check, and may even reverse your last one. Obviously it will be easier to just go along but you have options.
Thank you for replying NedRN. you ask what I want to happen and mainly it's just really a pain to do the eight hour shifts and I don't get my off time to recoup. I honestly really like the job, the people I work with and the facility as a whole. If I was to be noncompliant to my part of the contract, it would end up costing me a lot of money and be a total pain in the ass. I guess I was just wondering what happens if the facility doesn't pull their end. You were 100% right that it's sad they had to lie about the 8 hour shifts to get me there to begin with. I'm going to try to have a little more patience and continue to work with my recruiter. If it doesn't work, I will have to leave. Thanks again NedRN.
38,333 Posts
Do you want to work this contract or not? If you need the income, I would complete the contract, but I would insure that it is the last contract I work for this travel agency.
HikingNinja, BSN, MSN, DNP, RN, APRN, NP
612 Posts
My assignment did the same thing. Scheduled me for 8 hour shifts. I went directly to the manager and reminded her of my contract terms. It turned out the scheduler was told I was variable hours not 12s. They corrected it immediately. No need to get the recruiter involved. If you like the facility and they like you perhaps you could go to the manager and work something out.