What goes in your Health Room Log?


On your daily health log to you put all the kids who come in for regular medications each day or do you consider it documented because of the medication paperwork which is signed by me each time they come in to receive their meds or each time they come in to check blood sugar?

thanks for any input.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

i don;t keep a separate health log since i use healthmaster and it generates its own -but i don't generate an office visit entry for my meds or glucose checks either.

Hi 110 kids! Here's how I do it: I log in every single kid I interact with. I have about 10 daily medications, 2 blood sugar checkers, and 2 students who have straight cath orders. Yes, I log each one in because I interact with each one. I speak to them, ask questions, see how everything is going...it's a mini assessment in my book. I have about 850 kids in my school and I'm the sole RN. I have a health aide who helps with logging in and taking temps etc. I need to take credit for every student. Each day the meds need to be counted, calling parents when supply is low, assessing for efficacy with teachers. Actually, I have to log them in or I'll have no idea how many students I gave meds to at the end of the month for my monthly report. I'd have to go through the med book and I have about 100 prn's as well as my daily & special procedures. How do you do it?

thanks for your inputs. Up until I started the Nurse used a physical form to document who came in each day and what the result was. She did not document kids who came in for meds/blood sugar on this form. I found out we do have access to an electronic health record keeping system so I want to go electronic. We are a very small school, under 100 kids elementary aged. My med record will still remain on paper for now. I'm just trying to decide if I should start entering a new record everytime one of them comes in for their meds/testing. This way I have it on their electronic file as well as in my med book.

Specializes in kids.

I log in everything! Telephone calls, chats with teachers, daily meds. blood sugar checks etc. I even put in a code for 504 meetings and immunization updates. Because we do SO much all day everyday, I feel it is important to justify the hours in my day.

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