What is the freakiest thing you have ever seen at work?????

Nurses General Nursing


Several years ago we had an elderly intubated woman admitted from the ER. She had resp. distress at home and ended up vented. They brought her up to us minus her post intubation film so x-ray came up and did one. After, they sent the film to us. As we stood there looking at it I said Ooops, guess whoever tubed her put her teeth on her chest. Into the patients room I go and pull back the top of her gown and whala, no teeth! Apparently her resp. distress was caused by swallowing her uppers! Poor thing needed surgery to remove them, the bronch was unsuccessful.

Weirdest thing I have seen so far in two years of practice has been a patient with a foley to wall suction...I thought it was a joke when I saw it on the Kardex!

The first time we ever had an open heart patient come back with his chest still open. He had gauze dressings and Ioban over the area, but you could still see the cardiac contractions. It doesn't freak me out anymore though. I guess you can get used to anything.

We had a guy brought into the ER who had a Craftsman screwdriver in his rectum.:eek: :eek: Don't know if he took it back to Sears for the exchange or not. :p

When I was CNA at a retirement home we had this old lady who had a glass eyeball. One day she took the glass eye out and then proceeded to tell us that she hadn't cleaned it for over 15 Years. This woman was A and O x 3 and serious. I about gagged right there.

Specializes in peds and med/surg.

I had a patient last week with uncontrolled diabetes. She is haitian and speaks little english. When I was doing her admission history, she told me how she started feelilng sick and tasted her urine and it was sweet, so she knew her sugar was high. But that wasn't the reason she came in. She came in b/c half of her foot was rotting off. The smell smacked you in the face when you went anywhere near the room. Thank God she was the last room at the end of the hall. After days of telling us that she had a voo doo curse that would be lifted as soon as she went back to Haiti, she finnaly agreed to the amputation. That was my 2nd day as a nurse. I was horrified.

Herpes lesions around a colostomy...the patient was an inmate....

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