Published Dec 12, 2008
7 Posts
I've saw this done on other message boards and it worked out extremely well, so I figured it would be neat to do one on Allnurses.
The only rule is you have to answer each question in one sentence or less so that it is easy, fun, and quick to read.
A)What was your favorite experience in nursing school?
B)What was your favorite experience in your nursing career?
C)What was your favorite type of patient?
D)What was your favorite patient complaint?
E)What was your favorite personal rant?
F)What was your favorite thread on
Have fun, I think this can be enjoyable and informative at the same time!
66 Posts
a)what was your favorite experience in nursing school?
finishing nursing school.
b)what was your favorite experience in your nursing career?
recognizing and successfully treating someone in pulmonary edema.
c)what was your favorite type of patient?
someone with a new diagnosed disease who really wants to take control of his disease and is interested in learning and applying what he has learned.
d)what was your favorite patient complaint?
"my family won't get the hint and let me be."
e)what was your favorite personal rant?
doctors admitting patients for chest pain with no chest pain orders and the patient arrives with 8/10 chest pain.
f)what was your favorite thread on
"er visitors-a funny"
sissiesmama, ASN, RN
1,897 Posts
I've saw this done on other message boards and it worked out extremely well, so I figured it would be neat to do one on Allnurses.The only rule is you have to answer each question in one sentence or less so that it is easy, fun, and quick to read.A)What was your favorite experience in nursing school?B)What was your favorite experience in your nursing career?C)What was your favorite type of patient?D)What was your favorite patient complaint?E)What was your favorite personal rant?F)What was your favorite thread on fun, I think this can be enjoyable and informative at the same time!
Favorite experience in nursing school? Definetly graduation
Fovorite experience in nursing career? Delivering a baby in a rural ER before the ER MD got to the pt. The baby got named after me
Favorite type of patient? A trauma patient in the ER/trauma suite, I hate the "clinic ones"
Favorite patient complaint? GSW or stabbing
Favorite rant? patient in the hospital with abd pain/n/v and demanding food constantly
Favorite thread? You know you are an ER nurse when..."
Anne, RNC
210 Posts
that is so awesome!
BelleKat, BSN, RN
284 Posts
a)what was your favorite experience in nursing school? graduation
b)what was your favorite experience in your nursing career? seeing badly burned pts get better and go home. they would usually come back to see us on christmas to say hello.they would be healthy and happy. it made all of our back breaking difficult work worthwhile.
c)what was your favorite type of patient? a grateful one who wanted to get better.
d)what was your favorite patient complaint? something easliy remedied
e)what was your favorite personal rant? just one? lol
f)what was your favorite thread on funny things we've learned from pts.
Thank you! That was definetly a first for me! In my 17 yrs, most of my experience has been in ER/Trauma, and I have never had any babies of my own. I was working in a small rural facility in the ER which had 3 ER rooms, and a big 30 something med surg ward. No L and D.
The parish SO deputy that transported her called to give me a heads up was 2 minutes out, and let me tell you, it was a SHORT 2 minutes!!
I called the ER doc in his sleep room and he said "OK, call me back when you have the APGAR score for me." My response can not be entered here. We did not have a L and D unit or a warmer, so we got the late tray from dietary that they deliver the late trays on and got it cleaned. Got several blankets from the warmer in OR and had it ready. I sent the ward clerk down to drag the ER MD down. I wasn't about to take no for an answer.
I had worked L and D occasionally, getting pulled from ICU, so I had a little experience, but not anything that would help me much when she rolled in.
Thank God, she didn't have any trouble, and we birthed a beautiful baby. Talk about a natural high! It was a very small town, and the patient's mom worked in the only grocery store. She was always so nice afterwards to me, and always had new baby pics for me to see.
People talk about one moment in their nursing career that they never forget, and that by far is one of mine.