What should be done to mean nurses?

Nurses General Nursing


I hear stories of nurses making fun of patients on TikTok. Some of the them were involved in bariatric surgery.

After being fired they should be put on hormones to make them nicer and go through re-education.

And whoever made TikTok should be sanctioned or sued.

Maybe TikTok should be banned altogether.

I was promised a more enlightened future.

This isn't it.


Specializes in Critical Care.

They sound stupid and immature and just waiting to get fired.  Not bright!  But why are you taking it personally?  It wouldn't bother me personally.  Some people are mean.  I would ignore it unless they were bullying me at work, then I would stand up for myself!

It would be great if they could infuse some happy calming chemicals in the air though. LOL

Specializes in Geriatrics.

What should be done? Nothing. We can't control other people. They will seal their own fate with their foolish behavior. As I've previously posted, it's on us (because the only person we can control is ourselves) to make a difference, rise to the occasion, and be a better nurse for our clients. 

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