What Do U Have To Have For Nursing School


Just Wonder What All Everyone Has To Do B4 Nursing School Starts..........what Shots? Any Test? What Supplies Are Needed(steth, Bp Cuff So On) What Color/kind Uniform Does Everyone Wear And So Forth

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.
Just Wonder What All Everyone Has To Do B4 Nursing School Starts..........what Shots? Any Test? What Supplies Are Needed(steth, Bp Cuff So On) What Color/kind Uniform Does Everyone Wear And So Forth

Most schools require that you have taken a CPR class, PPD, Hep B series, up to date physical with lab results of MMR, Hep series and such. The school will tell you what uniform they require. It is usually a dorky uniform that stands out and announces "STUDENT" with an ID badge and the school logo. And, each school will tell you if there is an entrance exam, maybe an essay, pre-requisites and such. In addition, they will give you a list of required books to purchase. Good luck!

As above, that's a great guide. But, I'd contact your school. My school actually had a day where we met (pre-orientation) and had to order at least our top with our school emblem from a certain company. So, that goes to show how individual every school really is. Between all the vaccines, criminal background check, clothing (all white, including shoes and watch), physical, and supplies (goggles, scissors, stethoscope, etc.), it was a solid $400 or so just to complete the requirements. Nursing school is an investment, though, and this is just the beginning regarding fees, books, testing requirements, etc.!

Specializes in Hospice.

I had to get all the shots listed above plus a tetorifice shot and the CPR classes. As far the the other supplies, my uniforms are included in my tuition. We wear all white uniforms with the school's emblem embroidered on it. We only have to wear our uniforms to clinicals. We did have to purchase a wristwatch with a second hand and all-white all-leather shoes (no Crocs!) Also included in the fee for the uniforms is the stethoscope and the blood pressure cuff. The stethoscope is kind of crappy so I asked my parents to give me a new one for my birthday but that's not really a necessary expensive. Also make sure to get a heavy-duty backpack. Good luck in nursing school. It's very time consuming and I really had to perfect my organization skills. However, I'm loving it!

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