What Do I Pack?!?


So I am heading out on my first travel assignment in a few days. Its in a small town in Nebraska. Housing is hard to find there so I have agreed to stay in a nice hotel for the first 5-7 days so that I can look around for housing. My husband and puppy are tagging along. I have no idea what to pack. Any ideas? Anyone have a similiar situation? We decided to dry instead of fly due to the dog and it will give us more room for our things.

Take less than half of what you think you can't live without! Even then, you will find yourself shedding more each subsequent assignment. A few travelers really do need extra, especially chefs, and end up towing a trailer. But that is rare, most beginners find they have way too much stuff. Think vacation, not moving.

Love the comments, NedRN! Soooo true! I remember when I left for my first assignment, I can't believe now how much stuff I took. I shed more and more over the past year. I was a bit dillusional on how much I NEEDED! Especially, when it came to clothes! Still don't know why I was trying to lug around 5 coats!! My wardrobe is definetely simplified now and I could not be happier...especially when it comes to moving day!

Yes, think of vacation, not moving!! If you will have a furnished place though, make sure that a tv is included...usually is but I have seen it both ways.

I travel with my dogs too and as long as they have a bed and food, they are good to go!

Must haves for me: laptop, ipod, a couple of small lamps. (I like to have good lighting and they are easy to pack and move usually) I can get by with a minimal kitchen too but if you have a couple of your favorite tools, take them too (as long as they are small!)

i am on my first assignment and i really wished i had packed less. my car was so full of stuff now i am thinking...why did i bring this again?

First assignment, suitcase and iPad or laptop, my pets stuff and whatever else I need I can hit up at the discount store.

Thanks so much for the suggestions.

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