Published Aug 3, 2010
1,118 Posts
So I want to get my CPR and BLS done sometime this year.
But there are three courses.
The first is CPR for Healthcare Professionals. I'll get an AHA CPR for Health Care professionals card. It's like a 4 hour class on one day. It's not offered this quarter.
The second is CPR and First Aide for Healthcare professionals. This is a 2 month class, meets once a week for 2 hours. It states:
Comprehensive Basic Life Support and first aid for health care providers. Students who successfully complete this course receive an AHA CPR for Health Care Professionals card and First Aid Card. Topics include: one- and two-rescuer CPR and AED for adult, child, and infant; barrier devices; resuscitator bags and first aid.
So does that mean no BLS in that class?
The third is BLS for Healthcare professionals. It's a 6 hour class for 1 day. It states:
A course for professionals who respond to respiratory and cardiac emergencies. Topics include: adult and pediatric CPR, AED, stroke, and barrier devices.
Does that mean I'll get my CPR and BLS in one?? Or just BLS. It doesn't say anything about a card, or is taking the class enough?
I'm a little confused by these 3. Which would be best?
Also, should I take the ACLS class after I get my BLS? What about CPR & BLS for pediatrics?
38,333 Posts
Peds patients are covered in basic CPR classes. The course you want to take is the third one, the all day course. It is for those who haven't had the course before. The first one listed, the four hour course, is testing only, for those who are renewing a previously issued card. You need to have a card that is not expired to take that renewal course. There is no instruction, only testing. The second course would be nice if you want the first aid component for your own purposes, but not necessary. ACLS is not necessary for most jobs. It is usually paid for or provided by the employer if it is required.
Thank you. So does BLS course include CPR and BLS? Or do I need to take a separate CPR for Health Professions class?
The BLS is the CPR course. You need to take the six hour course the first time. After that, you can take the four hour course if you choose. I always take the six hour course because they provide time to go over and practice the skills before testing on them and they also present any new changes that are necessary to incorporate into your testing.
See this is why I'm confused. This is what it states as the description for the CPR for Health Care Professionals class:
Comprehensive Basic Life Support course for health care providers. Includes one and two rescuer CPR; adult, child, and infant CPR; barrier devices; and AED. Students who successfully complete this course receive an AHA CPR for Health Care Professionals card.
Both have no prereqs.
Every place I have ever taken the course provides the six hour course for first time students and the four hour course for renewal of expiring cards. If you have questions regarding which course to take, suggest you call the providers of the course.
Ok. lol. Thanks anyway!
887 Posts
Actually the times of courses can vary. I just did my BLS course and it was 4 hours (we weren't even there the entire 4 hours either) so they all don't have to be a 6 hour course. Some have 8 hour courses but I would definetely take the course labeled BLS just so you know they can't give you any crap on it.
166 Posts
Our school required the BLS course (3rd one). It took us 4 hours because there weren't that many people in the class and we opted to skip lunch and work straight through so we could be done sooner. You might double check with your school, but it seems from other postings and my experiance that is the only class you need. :)