What can I do with a Masters degree in Nursing besides NP/CNS?


Specializes in Psychiatric mental health.

Im an RN working in the NICU right now, and I am interested in going back to grad school to get my Masters in Nursing...not exactly sure what yet, but I don't think I want to be an NP, CNS, or Educator, MAYBE research. So what other jobs can I do with a Masters besides those? If any?

Also, I am feeling a little burn out from bedside nursing as well. Any suggestions on what I can do with a Bachelors in Nursing besides that?

Specializes in CTICU.

You could try some work in research/clinical trials - keeps in the field you like, but not bedside. Also would give you an idea if research is the way you want to go.

Specializes in Urgent Care NP, Emergency Nursing, Camp Nursing.

As far as I know, you can get your MSN for Certified Nurse Midwife, any flavor of NP, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nursing Education, or Academic Nursing on the path to a research PhD. I might be leaving out one or two as well.


I know what you mean, I have a MSN/MBA and working as a program manager for a program but feel I working way below my capacity.. I am looking myself.. and in fact going back to get a NP in holistic nursing to I can do something else.. its crazy out here, the higher up you go the more politics - its unbelieveable.. its not even about what you know its WHO..

Depending upon which state you are in, you may be able to clinically instruct ASN/BSN nursing students with an MSN...

I know this thread is from a long time ago. Also with a BSN, you can continue to get your Masters in another area of Science - like Microbiology.

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