Published Nov 7, 2006
jill48, ASN, RN
612 Posts
I have been an LPN for 11 years and am now back in school earning my RN and BSN. Although I love taking care of patients, I enjoy the paperwork part of the job even more. Does anyone know they type of jobs I can get after I earn my BSN? Are there any websites I can go to see a list?
RazorbackRN, BSN, RN
394 Posts
Case Management, Utilization Review, etc. The list goes on.
If you like the paperwork aspect, you may enjoy Home Health. You have a ton of paperwork (electronically in some agencies) and still have the patient care part.
AfloydRN, BSN, RN
341 Posts
You do the same job as an RN, pay is the same, however you can transition to management status if thats what you want.
34 Posts
Pay more in student loans;)
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
1. Director of Nurses
2. Assistant Director of Nurses
3. Nurse management
4. Chief Nursing Officer
5. Research
6. Education (nursing instructor)
7. Quality control nurse
8. Occupational health nurse
9. Infection control nurse
10. School nursing
The list goes on and on. The opportunities are endless.
SaderNurse05, BSN, RN
293 Posts
You can do pretty much whatever you want. Since it is a bachelors degree you could be a drug rep. You can work as a trainer for companies that sell software and/or machines that are used by nurses. You can be a case manager and work in public health ( or with prison populations or even troubled kids. You can write for magazines. We even had the FBI recruit at our school- they like nurses! Just think, you could go to Quantico and shoot guns. You can work in occupational health as well as risk management. It's not that ADN nurses can't do these jobs, but sometimes just getting in the door for an interview requires the degree.