7 weeks and 3 days....

Nursing Students Online Learning


Specializes in ED.

Hi all, I am a long time lurker finally jumping into the forums. I registered for Excelsior in 2007 (before the October 1 Deadline) yet have had life get in the way and now find myself with 7 weeks and 3 days to complete NC 2-6, Microbiology, Anatomy & Physiology, and the Sociology Clep exam. I take the exams for free at the AF base, but they take about 2 weeks to get me the results since it's the older paper based exams. In between studying and studying and studying some more I am finding myself at a loss for deciding which state between VA and GA that I am applying for licensure especially with the deadlines of Sept 30 then if I go for a VA license I have to beg borrow and steal to get the CPNE and a grad date before Dec 31. I live in California but I'm either moving down to SO Cal to work at the VA, Virginia, or Georgia because of job prospects. If anyone has any information regarding the timeline from applying to the CPNE to getting licensed in Virginia I would greatly appreciate it. Also a little motivation is much needed as I am stressing myself out about the exams more than anything.

I currently have Scheduled NC 4 on Tuesday, Anatomy and Physiology on Thursday, and Sociology clep on Thursday afternoon this week and my stomach is turning in knots. I know the material but as much as I study I am getting Cs and I really really really need 2 Bs and an A on the next 3 Nursing Concept Exams I take. Sorry for rambling... can you tell i'm nervous and anxious lol

Comments Appreciated. Hello and Thank you for all the help I have already found scouring the forums here.

ETA: A special thanks to LunahRN. I have been watching you since I started thinking about excelsior back in 2006 and I think you have been my greatest inspiration and your information that you have provided have saved me tons of research and time. Thank you so much and Congratulations on all you have achieved!!!

It is my understanding, I may be wrong, that it is only the NC tests that have to be completed by the deadline for EC. If that is the case (by all means call EC and get the real deal from them!), do them first and hold off on the others until the EC tests are done. A & P is no picnic. You want to give yourself enough time to prepare. Since time is of the essence with you, I would place the grades secondary to passing the exams in time. I also wouldn't worry about the CPNE, grad date, and getting licensed in whatever state problems until you have finished these NC tests. One thing at a time. One test at a time. Good luck.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Yep, Caliotter is right -- you have to have finished the nursing exams by the end of September, or you'll have to change to the new curriculum.

To be honest, I don't think you'll have enough time to be finished for Virginia (EC wants Virginia students done by the end of October to have time for everything else), but it's looking like Virginia is going to allow EC grads to endorse in with 960 hours of RN time. The VA might be your best bet. Good luck, and welcome to Allnurses! :)

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