Weatherford College LVN Spring 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello everyone! So I have decided in my nursing program pursuit that I am going to go ahead and apply to the weatherford college lvn program and then bridge. Does anyone know what kind of schedules we will have? Trying to get an idea of work schedule vs school schedule. I am also going to take the compass help class to get a feel for it but im wondering if I should go on and try to take I it this week also just to get an idea what its like?? Anywho, if theres anyone else out there that will be applying with me come say hi! Oh also I will be commuting from masfield let me know if I have any close buddies for study groups if we get in!

Yea Ive been checking my email too!!! I am so mad at my mailman right now lol I checked it 3 times today!!! I have heard that if you get just a plain letter then u didnt get in but if you get a big packet thats a good sign! Hopefulyl Ill get something tomorrow!

I instantly started trying to guess how many days it takes to get mail from Weatherford. Lol

Girl I even asked my mailman. told him when it was sent and from where asked how long it usually takes lmao!

Thanks for the update ladies! I've had my husband checking everyday for the last week now for sure he can't miss going a day! í ½í¸

lol I started checking mine everyday since I applied!!! Im also waiting on the BON as well though. I got my "blue card" in the mail saying my file is clear...however since I self disclosed the info they still have to investigate :( So hopefully I find out soon!! Im hoping we get our acceptance letters today!!! Im stalking my mailman...ive already checked TWICE!!!

I got my acceptance letter!! Good luck ladies I can't wait to hear when you get yours!

Got my acceptance letter today!! Here we go ladies!

How many points did y'all end up having?

How many points did y'all end up having?
I have 12 points.

I got listed as an alternate with either 9 or 10 points I think. I had decided to decline either way as I will wait till August when I don't have to pay for two childcare bills. Good luck to everyone!!!

I got my acceptance letter as well! I can't stop crying lol! I was accepted with 14pts!

Only 11 points for me. If I did it right.

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